Cree changed production process for XP-G2 emitters!

I think that Cree is adapting to what the other manufacturers have been doing for years, improving the output spectrum of their leds. The competition has come close in output and toughness, so the only option is getting the light quality in order.

What did you buy all those for? Are you selling them? I’d say go ahead and offer them for sale and just tell your customers that Cree made a change to the emitter. Some people won’t buy because of it, but some still will. Let them choose. Luminarium is making the choice on behalf of his customers, but you don’t have to do that. Customers can make a choice for themselves.


I do not understand the reason for your question ¿? I respond equally…… the leds are for my mods, and for mods to customers I do some mods to order here in my country (I am responsible for every work I do)

Yes… Right selection of emitter(sometimes there are crab emitters even in same batch of lets say old xp g2), methods and components to make much different and better flashlight than factory one…

Type of clients: “Seeing what I am buying”. If someone brings 250kcd Olight they expect that your modded flashlight will visually out throw it.

I’ve been very successful in beating such configurations but now there is no point… I am beaten…

We’ll just have to wait for better days…

And new production process seems to affect all types of emitters. Not just XP-G2.

I was asking what you bought the LEDs for because I know Luminarium said he bought a lot of them to make lights for his customers yet he is quitting modding because they were not good. Other people buy large quantities even just for themselves. So I didn’t know what you bought them for. But, if you are making lights to sell, I wanted to say that you can still offer them to people, and tell the people that there is a difference and let them decide whether to buy or not. In other words, hope is not lost just because Cree made a change. Manufacturers make changes all the time and yet the world continues. If you bought them for yourself, then of course you already know that you don’t like them, so it is a bad deal for you. In that case, maybe you can try to sell them here to get some money back. Somebody on here will probably be willing to buy them if you start a WTS thread.

Edit: By the way, there are some people that really like a warm tone. So, just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean that nobody else does either. Somebody will like it. :wink:

Atm( i recieved those today) the only old stock XPG2 that i have found are S2 0A from FT, the only one from dozens
The tint is great after dedoming - their problem is that from 5 tested only 1 is capable of 4.5amps, the rest are arround 4, some even 3.5

Sorry for asking again , but , have you tested the kaidomain’s xp-g2 s2 1a from the triples ?

ah ok, now I understand your question, thanks for the explanation :slight_smile:

The biggest problem is not so much the change in tone….the problem is the loss of performance it is very remarkable, dozens of kcds are lost in the same modifications of the same flashlight…I have important losses in and throw and low A even with high discharge batteries :cry:

Edit: Add that I had missed this topic here in the forum, if I had read before, I would not have bought them in that store…

You should read my thread before buying this.

Tint is neutral… Neutral with ugly green pigment (at least that was situation with mine batch). I also said like you that I can chew up the tint but I can’t chew up performance drop We mentioned tint solution in this thread and it is led seal or Vinz diamond treatment method.

Performance drop… We should only say lux performance drop (cause there is probably lumen gain on classic domed emitter) really hurts…

Cree is not guilty… We are guilty for expecting continuance from well established product…

Gaston cheers :beer:

What were the XP-G2’s used for in the lighting industry? LED bulbs? I can’t find any info on what they were used in, the lighting industry for?

Street lighting m8, mr16 led spots, torches, DRL car modules….and heavy modded BLF flashlights :smiley:

I wonder if any could be laying around in some city maintenance building, or lighting supply house, that could be bought and salvaged ? What would I look for receptacle wise? Any actual photo’s of what they could be used in? I have a friend who works for the City DPW, actually he’s the manager in charge of maintenance, if I knew what to look for Why I ask is they just went down my street replacing the very bright blue tinted street lights to a more warmer light, I wonder what they did with the old ones?

Thanks Cula !
I had a triple that i received about 2 weeks ago …
Just did a reflow on a single emitter noctigon with one of the leds .
With a fet+1 driver and one Samsung 30q , it draws “only” 3.3 amps…

Edit :Changed driver’s wires to 20 AWG , spring bypassed driver , and charged my 30Q . It draws about 4 amps now .

Many 10x to MRsDNF :star:

Hot ones, from left to right, S4 2B, S4 2C, S4 1D

The photo speaks for itself i guess…( OT. Samsung S6 takes great photoes realy, never stops amazing me)

Aditional testing in progress

So the 2B and 2C have the smaller die and the 1D is the newer larger die?

Seems 2B and 2C is from the old batch .
But how could we get some 2B ? I would be interested in 10pcs if someone could make a big order , and split them to members .

Very easy to spot difference between them… So yes Mitko’s S4 2B from picture is old batch. New S4 2B and old batch S4 2B are totally different emitters.

I am interested in more than 100 of OLD XP-G2 S4 2B if someone wants to sell me?

Edit: Anyone tried performance of de dedomed XP-G3 emitters? MEM seems successfully de doming them….

Picture as a proof:

If you are interested in a big quantity , why don’t you buy them straight from Cutter ?

I’m interested in 5-10 personally . If someone else from Europe makes an order , contact me please . Shipping is 35$ for me…

This is slightly off topic, but has anyone tried this type of silicone remover to dedome leds?
If I had an xpg3 I would give it a try myself