flat earth people

I have been thinking for some time that the easiest way for me to get rich is to write a high school physics text book that explains that there is a theory that the Earth goes around the sun, but actually, as we can all see, the sun rises and sets and travels in an arc through the sky. So the Earth is the center of the solar system. I plan to sell these to all the schools that teach that the jury is still out on Evolution.

the flat earth society is actually all the BLF people, in an alternate universe

Going into space would be much easier if Earth is flat.

You guys are over-thinking things.

How fortunate it is that basketball season is (finally) almost over, so we can have a useful purpose for those basketballs.

Simply place a basketball on smooth ground (smooth so rocks don’t become chocks — no cheating!) and let it go. You can actually do this with any size ball; I just hate waste so I’m trying to find some use for all that basketball equipment (even “that ring”).

If the world were truly round, the ball would roll away from you, in any direction. Since it sits in place (try it, you’ll see), obviously, ipso-facto, the world must be flat!

The science is set! The evidence is right in front of us. Any flat-earth deniers must therefore be hateful, regressive morons unable to be led to the inconvenient Truth! You should all be put in jail for your own good!

Flat Earth! Flat Earth! Flat Earth! (repeat until everyone leaves…)

I don’t it’s just fun, I think it’s more like the people are practicing their argument skills. We have a head of department guy at work who always loves discussing stuff to death and it doesn’t matter if he actually agrees with you ot not, he will argument against you until you yield or give up. It’s a passion of his, and because he is a very intelligent person he can pick you apart in very smart ways.

I’m guessing that the “flat earth” people are people just like him with the exception of that they have realized that’s it’s better to take that shit on an anonymous website so that their friends and colleagues don’t start alienating them.

Ok, the earth is flat. I accept.
But where is the hollow earth?

The flat earth society has members all around the globe :smiley:

Here is flat, flat elsewhere. :arrow_right: It will be such a global problem. :wink:

I thought we were not supposed to discuss religion here at BLF.
That said I think this thread is much fun!

I think there’s that, and it’s also practicing the art of thinking out of the box and thinking in new and unusual ways away from conventional thinking and thinking that “you’re used to” so that you can come up with new ideas and new solutions to problems.

In the video that thijsco19 posted, they mentioned that for a rotating flat earth disc, buildings at the edge of the disc would be slanted away. Whoa, that’s a cool concept. Would that actually be true? I have no idea, and I don’t feel like sitting down and thinking it through all of the details right now. But it IS a cool concept and it DOES stir the imagination and make you think of all sorts of what-if scenarios.

You know what it actually reminds me of? Special relativity. Conventional thinking says that time is constant. Conventional thinking says that mass is constant. Conventional thinking says that if you throw something off a moving object, you add the velocities. That doesn’t work with the speed of light, which is ALWAYS constant. How do you solve this problem? You break out of conventional thinking, you make the speed of light constant, and bend all of the other properties of physics around it. It’s the same type of thinking with the flat earth theory.

Like really…
The whole idea people thought the earth is flat during medieval times is bullocks.
Indians calculated the earths size long before we could confirm it.
The misconception comes from an old novel about Columbus where it was romanticized that people thought earth is flat.
Columbus only thought the earth to be smaller that is all.

So now a bunch of trolls have the flat earth club lol
Join them or the inflating earth society and while you are at it please make a free-energy-tesla-1-liter-water-powers-a-whole-house-for-a-100-years-producing-2-kilo-of-gold-from-air-every-day generator will you :wink:

Come on, now, The Miller. There’s no need to go busting up our fun with your boring facts and your dusty old history! I mean, if everybody Knew Things, there would be no need for YouTube! What fun would that be??

:partying_face: :+1: :smiley: :wink: :wink:

(Seriously, even the Greeks (I mean the Democrats, not the Socialists) not only knew the shape of the world, but even had a reasonably good idea of its size. Not that they were even the first! How old is Stonehenge? They understood Celestial Mechanics in England before there were English! And the Chinese! Don’t get me started on the Chinese! They measured and documented the correlation between Earth’s climate and Sun Spot Cycles before Europeans even knew there was a China! That kind of “common knowledge” requires a lot deeper understanding than just the shape of the planet.

Apparently, “Flat Earth” was no more than a means of demonizing “different people” during the Reformation. A memetic tool haters used to spread their hate. (Sound familiar, in the 21st Century?)

If we can’t pick on Flat-Earthers, who can we pick on?)

The earth is flat.

That is a fact.

Reference: The Internet.



I think not

Here, 11 flat earths to gaze at :wink:

I have heard this before (from a smart person in a radio interview), not in context of flat earth, just someone speculating on what gravity is. But I concluded against it (and the flat earth explanation thereof) due to this: when I jump off a high-dive, according to these understandings above, I should feel nothing. I’m just suspended there until the earth (water) comes up and hits me. Well, the fact is, I can FEEL myself accelerating. I don’t think it’s just wind resistance. I can feel it in my belly. My body’s telling me that I’m moving, not being still with the earth coming up to meet me. I admit I can’t totally explain how I sense this, but the sensation of ‘zero gravity’ is not immediate, and increases until impact. I can’t prove, but believe that I would feel this even if I were in a self-contained sphere being dropped with no wind resistance.

I have often wondered however, if there is an objective, unmoving ‘grid’ (as it were) of space around us. The way I was taught relativity, if 2 objects are changing in distance, it’s arguable which one is actually doing the moving. The planet is ‘hurtling through space’… but is there an objective grid of space we are specifically moving through. And, if so, does moving through this space faster cause any effects on its own? Because as I was taught relativity [maybe overly simplified], if no other object around you is there to move relative to yourself, you’re not moving, you’re just standing still. But I wonder if that is really true.

On Flat Earth itself: the FAQ was quite unsatisfying, in that they did not even ATTEMPT to discuss if there was a 3D nature to their model. “What’s on the flip side??”. They only discuss the TOP of this disc. Are they proposing that there is an opposite side to this earth? If so, what’s on that other side, or can we get to it? I’d think even they’d say there’s thickness to this disc. How thick? They make it sound like a 1-sided object, but don’t quite say that. The closest they came to addressing it was that Antarctica surrounds our world, and implied it was some kind of impenetrable barrier or something (may be wrong, I didn’t quite get the implication). I believe in being open to any idea, no matter how absurd, as I’ve found there are many things our general society, and/or other societies, accept which are totally bunk, or even ravagingly violent, cruel, or destructive and yet it’s just accepted. Genital cutting/amputation, which I refer to in my signature, is a perfect example of this. We have a long way to go in our understanding of things. Pretty much everything science has declared as truth, at some future point has been proven false. We are arrogant to think we’ve gotten to the point where that has stopped. It hasn’t. So instead of ridiculing to make myself feel smug or superior or separate from some other group or belief system, I just ask questions which seem obvious.

This is a good, funny thread! I think we should give Joshk a prize…

Maybe an Aspheric lens?
