flat earth people

Dont worry, I know the truth. :wink: (but which one :smiling_imp: :innocent: )
There is no opposite side of this one, cause you’ll fall away from the earth / the earth will accelerate away from you :stuck_out_tongue: .

Thank god, it would give me a massive headache, however I have an interest in this kind of science. :student:

Dark side? Never heard of it before…

On a more seriously note, the fun part of this thread is that we (or at least me) dont know who is serious or not. :beer:
I too try to keep an open mind, but I just cant understand how people think that the earth is actually flat. It is proven multiple times that it’s round (how else could you get around the world in 80 days? O wait that was a movie and movies don’t tell the truth, do they?)

Even the Greeks recognized the world was round.
How are you going to measure you’re acceleration, hmm? By looking at other planets as they fly by and (knowing the distance between them of course) using a stop watch? Yell when you get to your destination?
The moon should be drawing a standing wave that circles the globe every day. Now wouldn’t that be a long a$$’d surf party.
Level is a relative notion and is only relatively consistent in an area that is small relative to the size of whatever globe you’re on.
Personally I think it’s all magic. Modern science is all a bunch of mumbo jumbo models that attempt but don’t quite succeed in explaining the world we live in. Most of the time the world behaves as it should based on those models but the world isn’t the model. We’re faking it real hard and fast.
Where are my ’shrooms?

Greeks knew it was a sphere, not sure how the FAS explained Magellan. Probably say he faked it.

Jeez, I thought “Terminal Velocity” was the speed you needed to run at an airport to not miss your connecting flight :person_facepalming:

Magellan didn’t sail around the globe, the other side of the flat earth is trans-dimensional so that when you reach the edge you instantly reappear on the opposite edge. Him and his crew probably ate a lot of mushrooms which are supposed to help you better understand things like this :stuck_out_tongue:

This thread is lots of fun but only if you want it to be. As Thomas Dolby said on his 1984 album “The Flat Earth”, “the Earth can be any shape you want it.”


I played a lot of NES video games that did the same thing. Those video game physics are based on reality!

This! :beer:

I’m giving it my best shot!

Oooooh! Oooooh! I know! The one you dropped out of your pocket on the walk in to the range!?

Actually, not that all of us together would be able to stand behind such a rifle and touch it off, but if you fire your bullet fast enough, it will never hit the ground at all!! Let’s see your friend top that one!

Okay, you’re not going to see that on YouTube, but it is within the Laws of Physics!

If you wait until the bullet clears the barrel the one dropped will hit the ground first as the other one got stuck in something.

Half wrong, half ignorant, and half assed, that’s me.

No, Magellan didn’t make it, he died trying. His ships did though. Guess the FAS was more suppressive back then.

Yea that’s what would happen without an atmosphere to slow it down. You could orbit a planet at any distance you wanted, even inches off the ground, as long as you had the exact speed needed not to escape gravity nor give in to it. That’s why the space station travels far faster than satellites further out. Closer means you need to go faster. For every distance there’s always a speed just below fly-away speed, but above death-spiral that causes an orbit. I believe all the expensive satellites have thrusters of their own that are needed for the precise adjustments it takes.

Here’s a mind-bender for you. Weight does not matter. Heavy satellites and light ones need to go the same speed if they are at the same altitude.

I can confirm this!

Back before I had LASIK, when I could see stars (they all look like ‘*’ now), I had a nice telescope from Walmart.

I put all the lenses on it that came with it & I could see Jupiter and Saturn! And they were both, right there in front of my eyes, as flat as any pancake I’ve ever seen! Flat!

What more proof do you need, with eyewitness testimony? Ipso-facto, like I said!

ø¤°`°¤ø,¸_¸,ø¤°`°¤ ‹(•¿•)› ø¤°`°¤ø,¸_¸,ø¤°`°¤
PS: For anyone who’s enjoying this thread, there’s a movie coming out next year called A Wrinkle In Time, which I predict you’re going to enjoy thoroughly!

Actually the barrel acts as a shelf until the bullet clears the end. And they both fall downward at the same rate, regardless of forward speed.

Yea that was an embarrassing screw up.

This is just ridiculous. Some people must love the negative attention that comes with such claims.
I’d love to ask these clowns what is on the “underside” of the pancake planet. Lol.

Butter! :smiley:

I couldn’t resist. I created a user named fes101 and asked them a few questions. Aparentally the underside is “dark energy” heating the planet and accelerating it through space. Their whole ‘flat-earth’ theory comes from the observation the earth ‘feels’ flat. But they use ‘dark-energy’ to support the theory?! Nobody has felt that. WOW.

Here’s my 2 posts over on their website:

Geo-thermal heat?

Why is Earth the only flat planet?

I see how they think, now I am abandoning the account.

In reference to the jumping off a high dive thing, and I apologise if this has been said here already. If something is “suspended” where it is until the earth “catches up” and nothing actually falls, then why the hell isn’t the earth catching up at the speed it’s flying through space ???

It’s travelling at 66,487 mph - yet if I jump out of a plane @ 36,000ft, I can dam well assure you I’m not plowing in to the planet a very small fraction of a second later.
Of course things fall towards the planet. Not the other way around.

Yep, and so is your plane.

It’s one of the things about General Relativity I never figured out - why do free floating objects eventually free float towards the center of a mass. The theory says that a free floating person does not feel any acceleration while he’s falling towards the planet. He feels exactly the same as he would floating in deep outer space - he’s in a frame of reference that has no acceleration.

So why does the floating person fall towards the planet? Why isn’t it actually suspended at one point in space?

It must have something to do with the curvature of spacetime. Even light itself bends towards a planet when it gets near a planet. Light does not bend, but always go straight, which means that space itself must be bent. Somehow, that bent space is what causes a free floating object to naturally and float towards the center of the planet…? I mean, that bent space is already causing light to bend towards the planet when the light beam whizzes by.

If we’re sitting in a chair, and we’re in an accelerating frame of reference, what are we accelerating against and why aren’t we going anywhere? I guess we’re accelerating against the curvature of space…?

That’s as far as I’ve figured out.