Re-post: How to deal with trolls

It seems easy to forget that we all, each and every one of us, has the Right to Free Speech. You can prove that for yourself: Without committing Assault or applying any other unsolicited Force, get any other person to stop talking.

Even governments can’t do it, no matter how despotic. All they can do is punish what they don’t like, and that just leads to bloodshed — usually the Despot’s, historically speaking.

It’s also easy to forget that speech is ALL there is on the Internet. You can prove that too! I’m calling you an A-hole. Now punch your monitor hard enough to bloody my nose. How did that feel? Didn’t bother me a bit.

The trick is understanding that by rejoicing in another person’s exercise of their Free Speech Right, you actually bolster and reinforce your own Free Speech Right by so doing.

Now you just have to understand that there is NO LAW that says you have to LISTEN.

Back to your regularly scheduled … whatever that was.


Freedom of expression comes with responsibilities as well. Trolling could be considered incitement to riot. Besides which, in the context of this forum, it’s not a right but a privilege. Chocolate covered expressly beans are awesomely delicious but unfortunately have an adverse affect on my personality so I can’t bean and post. Snickers I can handle.

Sorry but no, this is a common misconception,
sb limits our right to free speech in the BLF rules, in particular this one,

3 Please avoid controversial or divisive subjects such as religion and politics.

I know I quoted you DTB but it is not against you in particular, you were just a convenient target :wink:

Cheers David

… except on a forum like this. There are forum rules that override free speech. That is perfectly compatible with the First Amendment here in the USA.

Possibly. Although on closer look at the actual wording we are asked to Please avoid such topics, on the basis that they are known to create argument. He does not say it is cause for a ban, such as spamming. Anyone is, of course, free to say what they wish and deal with the consequences. And freedom of speech does not mean there will not be consequences, regardless of what people think. Don’t believe me? Tell the truth when a woman asks if those jeans make her butt look big… just saying.

Point being, this is sb56637’s house, and his wishes are that we get along in his place. So if you wish to hang out at sb56637’s, you abide by sb56637’s house rules. That is simply the way it is, and if you come to my house you will deal with similar rules. No profanity, no smoking, no obnoxious behavior, no drinking alcohol. sb56637 might ban you for breaking his rules. It might go far worse for breaking house rules in my house… So is this Sanction, or is it getting along in public? You are free to say or do what you wish at work, you might not keep your job if you are not wise. You are free to say or do as you wish in any public place, you might have to deal with the Police if you are not wise, it is not really any different here. But our police are not named Norm nor do they run around deleting our posts at will.

Of main concern is that never do a single persons rights over-ride another person’s rights, and decency must prevail as we are in mixed company and there are, more often than not, children present.

Anyone that would riot because they read something from an Internet troll, probably belongs in jail.

I’m pretty sure that for speech to be considered illegal, it also has to pass a “reasonableness” test.
i.e., Just because a nut-case might riot, isn’t enough for the speech to be considered illegal. It would have to cause a reasonable person to riot.

For example, shouting “fire!!!” in a crowded theatre might be considered illegal. But shouting, “zombie attack!!!” in a crowded theatre would not, even if a couple of nuts started to panic.

“Target”?? ME??? The nerve of some people!! :wink:

JK, of course. I make an excellent target sometimes. Use me. I sometimes even encourage it, since I can “take it” better than most. E.g. I know I have a tendency to really p*ss off “card-carrying” authoritarians just by speaking.

The follow-up comments all seem to prove my point, though, since even in the “fire in a crowded theater” rule doesn’t stop someone from shouting “fire”, it only threatens them with punishment for doing so. I hate to think of what might happen to someone ‘talking to the screen’ encouraging the hero to discharge his/her weapon… (If anybody is interested, that also proves the fatal, fundamental flaw in the concept of Democracy (talking about Social Structure, not Politics) — even if everybody in the theater agrees that it is appropriate to stomp their neighbors into the rotting jujubes on the floor & pack the nearest exit in blind panic, doesn’t make any of them right.)

Not that I’m trying to prove anything to this lot, but maybe now SB56637’s ‘One-Button Solution’ will make more sense… (And why only you can see your own Rudeness Meter!)
(EDIT: well, I can’t actually see my own Rudeness Meter, but maybe that’s because I’m such a sweet, thoroughly-loved guy. ROTFLOLPIMP!! Yeah, right.)

And I’ll go back to lurking again with one reminder: I thought the title of this thread used to mention not feeding the trolls. From the old dial-up BBS days, through “newsgroups” until this moment, that still seems to be the fastest, most effective way of getting the troll to leave on his own. (BTW, are there female trolls? IDK & don’t really care, it just seems rare.) You can’t blame a dog for being a dog, but that doesn’t mean you have to feed it.

BTW, for anyone who hasn’t sussed this out yet, the only “correct” answer to that is, “NO, honey-dumplings, of course not!”

To anyone who’d ask that silly question, please remember the unspoken Truth there: “It’s not the JEANS”…. (with apologies to Sir Mix-A-Lot)

Just the phrase “card carrying authoritarians” lumps any who disagree with you into a group with a negative association. This, while it may be funny to you, is both an insult and a tactical block against disagreement. It’s common and has no basis in debate. Dunk tank for you my friend.

No need for snickers when you have Greta. Greta can tame even the wildest beasts.

The real question here is what would happen if you shouted “UltraFire!” in a crowded theater… :sushi:

- Deep thoughts…


You’d have 200 stampeding citizens and a half dozen confused flashaholics?

Only if they didn’t read ultra-stampede reviews.

felt like bumping…

You are a bit early for Halloween. :slight_smile:


Huh ?

Is island talk mon. Ya got to listen to more Reggae- dat’s how ya learn :sunglasses:
