[2016-06-11] Crackdown on rudeness

Left column, under the “User Menu” section.

Why , oh why is there not a sarcasm font ?
The internet needs a sarcasm font .

Be nice .

Just copied another too-long post to my note pad so’s not to post it. I’ve stashed my soap box for now as it seems to be time for something completely different. Which emoji(s) do you use for sarcasm? :person_facepalming: :stuck_out_tongue:

On this page mine just happened to be alongside this post of yours.

If some one can not tell they are being rude! I will word this nicely! lol they are being a silly billy! We should tell them to. get on ya bike mike! lol

Meh small minded people always have a point to prove be happy with your self. What kind of life are you living if your not happy and you always have taunt some one else?

(I am not a member of CPF but an Australian forum that i frequent Ozbargain i talk to other people that have the same hobby from CPF and i get the feeling that they have to whip out names of thousands of dollars of flashlights to prove a point? I have more respect for some one that builds a light the way they like it. instead of telling me you have a Vihn light worth 400 dollars i really don’t care.) I have only met a few people on here like that but they are also member of CPF :person_facepalming: ) I just added that because i find that attitude rude! But they could always swing this around on me because i am being rude about them being rude hahahaha inception any one?

BLF is the mad science lab of the flashlight community. Keep up the good work!

Wherever you go there are some who really don’t belong there. This seems to be good medicine for dealing with that. And the problem has grown huge everywhere, not just here.

Ham Radio is one of the very few things left mostly to itself for regulation of operations. It has also gone downhill fast. One of the things in the good operators creed of Ham radio is: You never say or do anything which may lessen someone else’s enjoyment of the hobby
I try to take that to heart and apply it everywhere as it is a truly good lesson.

Let there be dissent, let there be debate, but leave the bashing and spite behind, then rise above those who will bring an end to themselves with the conflict they create.


You should hear the cb radio repeaters here they are so bad people arguing and making threats and people driving around trying to find other people swearing and being racists. But ham radio is more strict seeing as it is licensed only network. Here you can use cb radio up to 5 watts.


I think this button is ripe for abuse, but what do I know?

Possibly. But it’s also very easy for me to see who is abusing it and to permanently ban those users. So a warning to the wise: if you value your account on BLF, please don’t try to game the system.

I don’t know why there is so much fear around ‘abuse’ of this feature. It doesn’t ban anyone, it just brings SB’s attention. I think we are all agreed SB does a good job of moderating.

I doubt there are dissenting opinions on this score. SB has alway been a gracious and fair host, no doubt.

However, it has been my experience, both online and in real life, that the bullies are the first to complain about other people’s behavior. For example, the first one to the principal’s office is often presumed to be the victim. I’m sure anyone with grade school aged kids has seem this play out in RL.

Amen to that brother!!

Nuh-UHHH! You’re just wrong!


I actually didn’t want to just say “ditto” again, on the finest flashlight forum on Earth.

Because I (for one of a whole lot of ‘many’) agree with you 110%, wholeheartedly, unabashedly, unashamedly completely. And I’m glad you said it! Except I’d want to work the word “AWESOME” in there somewhere.

But that’s just me. And you know how Dim I can be…

Haha, thanks I’ll check those “scores” out.


I don’t want to game the system, i want the system to be a game. Perhaps thats why playstations sell so well :smiley:

In my short time on this forum everyone has been very helpful and willing to share their knowledge.

I have yet to see a rude post. Kudos to the mods as they are the ones who set the tone of the forum and many thanks to the members who make the forum what it is.


Hi Bob, thanks for posting, I’m really glad to hear you’ve had a good experience so far. The truth of the matter is that there are precisely 0 moderators and only 1 semi-incompetent administrator on this forum, so many thanks to the large percentage of people that behave themselves so well around here. :beer:

If only there was a button for posts that convince me to spend money I had not planed on.