[2016-06-11] Crackdown on rudeness

When something isn’t right you should say something about it, right? It’s a civic duty to say “Hey, wait a minute, I’ve been cheated.” The questions is How much should should you say? Were should you say it? And when? If someone has a beef or there’s problems with a GB then usually the recent posts page endures several days if not more of rancor, finger pointing, venting, nevergonnabuyfromthatsobagain chatter In one or two threads until SB has to come in and lock them because we can’t behave. I don’t like the idea of ratings for every individual member, what I’m thinking of is a review system for sellers or those that run group buys that is easily accessible but doesn’t clutter up a thread or the recent posts page. A link in the op only of any thread of that type that shows reviews as a way to find out how good a job they do rather than reading through thousands of developmental posts littered with the usual debris. It would provide a dedicated place, directly associated with the offer in question, but not in the thread at large or the recent posts page, where reviews would go for that product by that seller.

I don’t wish to ask others to clam up but I also don’t wish to wade through it unless I’m looking for it. That’s something I would rather do only once prior to making a commitment.

A certain J Team member named “Sharpie” decided to message me and lecture me in a very rude manner. I wanted to mark his PMs “rude,” but there was no option to do so, so I blocked him.

I now see why this had to be implemented. It’s a shame, but there are some truly rude and inconsiderate members here now.

ETA: ooops…just realized it was a PM that was sent to you… :person_facepalming:

Apparently you can mark a post as rude but not a pm.

yeh, we cross posted as I was smackin my head…

I guess if you are in jeopardy by being rude in posts, you can try to continue to be rude via pm. Either way, it is rude though, and finite, I assume.

Yes could do an experience thread for the Q8. Yet as things progress the posts during development get older and people just know the recent ones are experience posts right?

People have to blow off steam somehow.

I’ve gotten some comprehensive, detailed, irate PMs letting me know exactly how wrong I am about, well, whatever.

Once it gets more than a few lines, I know it’s the equivalent of the safety valve popping and the huge PPPPPPSSSSSssssssssssssss cloud of steam blowing off.
Better than a boiler explosion.

Not really my problem, glad to see the pressure let go.

There might even be a lesson in there somewhere for me — sometimes there is a pony, to switch metaphors.

No need to respond to or even read that sort of thing past the few lines you need to recognize a venting with flame, ya know?

It’s a steampunk world. People gotta vent somehow.

I may even occasionally do this same sort of thing myself, though of course I’d see myself as entirely right and justified and doing somebody the favor of correcting their position and point of view in the world.

Um, or, if I saved my final draft til the next day, I might not send it.

Interpolate obligatory XKCD cartoons here.

Funny, it works just as effectively if I just write it all down and …. don’t press Enter.

Life’s funny. But “consider the alternative,” as Mom always used to tell me.

P.S.: on the other hand (there’s always another hand), this one is pertinent, albeit rude. Don’t click it if 4-letter words bother you.
But, XKCD does nail down what gets lost when everyone is always staying carefully within the proper lines.
I will not offend others carelessly.
I will not take offense too readily.

The only person I marked rude is no longer a member of BLF

Sorry Hank but there’s a time and place for it and this isn’t the place. A major problem today is so many of us (me included) think it appropriate when it isn’t. Commonplace maybe, but not effective communication since the louder you shout the less others listen. Charisma on the other hand can sweep otherwise sane people into a mob full of enthusiasm but devoid of conscience.

I 100% agree. Coming here to pick a fight, or “blow off steam” in someone’s direction, is like walking into a grocery story, and letting some bystander have a piece of your mind just because they were standing there. As of late, it seems like there is a very, very small list of individuals who enjoy stirring the pot and demeaning others. It wasn’t like that about 8-9 months ago.

I’ve been here close to 5 years now. It’s gotten much worse as far as unfriendliness. It’s become cliquish. I remember when everyone was friendly a few years ago. There might have been one bad apple here and there, but nothing serious.

Instant communications are too quick. Faster than the brain many times. Not like the old days when the only instant communications were face to face. And I believe that in face to face many of us think a little more before opening our mouth. I try to delay hitting the send, save and post buttons when I am upset. Right now I have a letter to my Toyota dealer on my desktop. I wrote it a week ago when I was royally P-O’d when my truck took hours longer than promised. One of these days soon I will have to rewrite it, tone it down. Then I will send it.


i think (hope) you want to make the world better by educating and big brothering a lot here.

maybe too much for some people

definately much too much for me.

your style is direct, sometimes harsh - even rude for some (including me)

my wish to you:

calm down, let things be, let the peope do.

if one adresses you as person you may react, but please put your fingers between your chair and yourself if you read something you do not like (as i do very often)



Randall Munroe makes a good point, but the kind of risk-taking he advocates there is more of an exception than a rule. It’s like the cinnamon on top of a snickerdoodle cookie; it adds something nice but it wouldn’t be any good if the whole thing was made of cinnamon. It’s best used sparingly.

On a related note, thanks for making BLF so nice. I’ve encountered some issues on another forum over the past month and it really emphasizes how good things are here. :smiley:

The issue on the other forum isn’t related to rudeness though, but censorship. Someone keeps removing any threads which mention an important and common hardware issue in a popular product — specifically, SaberForge’s “SaberCore 2” driver board tends to heat-damage itself in its standby mode unless power is physically disconnected. I see people posting questions and complaints about this every day, each post describing the same symptoms, and those posts generally disappear within 24 hours.

I’m really glad BLF doesn’t do anything like that. I mean, sure, sometimes people get banned for sustained bad behavior, but that’s very different than censoring people trying to help each other understand and solve common issues.

Clearly a case of xenophobia. They are discriminating against extraterrestrials. 2002 AA29 is experiencing the same issue as your (469219) 2016 HO3. This must stop now!

Sounds like the US Media to me…. :confounded:

so mine has this 0 rudeness /10 rudeness so does this mean I have none or do I have 10 ?