[USA][Illumn]Group Buy Nitecore Tip + CRI

PM sent. THANKS!

Definitely interested. But only in the High CRI 5000K. Also, I’d like a red one please.

” Shipped from California, USA. We will deal with warranty in the States as well.”

These points are enough to make me buy in, I already PMed.

Thanks Calvin. Ordered mine in grey with the X-PG2 emitter.

Why can’t they just have a 4300K and be done with it :stuck_out_tongue:

Buy one 3500k and one 5000k and glue them together. :wink:

I have ordered from Illumination Supply many times. Always a good experience

New price break at 5 units (mix and match) and greater, pm for information if required.

pm’d, am interested

PM sent.

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Please reply when you get the chance.

Calvin, any word on when these will ship? I ordered the XP-G2

I hope Calvin is alright. He’s been offline for a few days.

PMs replied. Initial shipment of some standard Tips are now available! Tip Black, Silver, Red, Green are in stock and shipping.

Calvin, I ordered grey. When do you expect those in?