single 18650 + XHP70: nitecore TM03

I downloaded the manual from the link provided in the first post. The light will NOT operate in turbo mode without the proprietary battery. Everything else apparently will function with a regular 18650. Obviously, this means putting another powerhouse battery in the light will be counterproductive.

Turbo mode is good for 15 minutes of runtime.

Nice find! with a normal 18650 the highest mode would be 1350lm for 4minutes, bummer…

Anyone want to know more about the “proprietary” cell? The expensive Nitecore TM-03 battery that is “high drain” and “high capacity”?

I bought a back-up directly from the “NitecoreStore”. It came in today, before the light made it. And who’d a thunk what I found inside? A simple little ol Panasonic PF! That’s right, with circuitry top and bottom making it proprietary! Figure I’ll take the circuitry off and attach it to a Samsung 30Q and see what happens. :slight_smile:

Yep, I paid $20 for an old Panasonic PF with a circuit on it (that now won’t work in the light it was made for!) Wish me luck on the 30Q….

Do you have an article about batteries explaining those nomenclatures?

I did think those panasonics are the best. :open_mouth:

Wow Dale… I seriously did NOT expect that. I was expecting a 30Q or HG2, since Nitecore made so much fuzz about this “special high drain battery”. I hope you have made it work with the 30Q.

I’m also surprised on how wrongly used is the “IMR” chemistry term.

Many years ago, probably true. But for today’s standards the PF does not even compare with a medium-drain.

We don’t have articles explaining nomenclatures, we have tests: (actually I think we do have such articles but a test shows it better)

The orbtronic 18650PD is based on the panasonic PF cell as per [HJK’s review](Test/Review of Orbtronic 18650PD 2900mAh (Black) | Candle Power Flashlight Forum.

That applies for 3400mha too?

Whats considered med and high drain?

The PF is/was a decent cell, but lower internal resistance cells took over by allowing much higher currents in our FET driver based lights. Cells like the Efest Purple 35A, LG HE-2, HE-4, Samsung 30Q, there are quite a few these days that outperform the PF series from Panasonic. Even their own BD has higher capacity with better current capabilities.

To the best of my knowledge the circuitry is a protection circuit for over-discharge and low voltage protection, we’ll need someone more familiar with electronics to verify what that circuit is. There’s no components at the tail.

There isn’t a fixed definition but for our use a high drain is a battery rated to supply constant 10A, or a triple XP-L direct drive setup. If the 3,400mah you refer to is the panasonic NCR18650BD than that is a very low drain cell.

Med drain:
-Sanyo GA
-Samsung 35E

High drain;
-Samsung 30Q
-Sony VTC5/6

Thanks Dale and Will34, I’m newbie with that :smiley:

Those high drain cannot come with protection circuit?

I bought those too:

How many amps those can push?

Wow very unexpected, but nice find Dale. I really hope you are able to wire up that 30q.
And if you do, who knows…we may possibly see 3300 lumens!

I’m actually surprised you purchased this light in the first place. What made you want it?
Would have thought u go klarus g20 or olight r50 route or acebeam ec50 version 2 ?


nice find Dale!

The stock output are already exceeded 3300 lumens though around 3500, check mhanlen’s review.
I can vouch for his accuracy, as i also have this light and have proper means for estimation.

I look forward to putting the TM03 in the lightbox with the stock specialized cell and hopefully a Samsung 30Q variant, will be interesting to see if there’s an output difference. My TM03 is on the way…

im really hoping the 30q works, and that it pushes the power for the strobe mode because it is waaaay under performing right now in stock form.

Not sure how you can take that stance, it far exceeds what any other 6V emitter does on a single cell.

But yeah, my goal is to see what can be done to push it. lol I don’t know where I got that idea, I mean, who’d do such a thing?

<—- walks away whistling

i was only referring to strobe mode. i think i measured no more than 1000 lumens.
but yea , on turbo mode, this light kicks ass at over 3000 lumens.
i was really hoping that the strobe mode would also be 3000 lumens, which would have made it nice for a self defense situation, i was pretty dissapointed about that.

I would imagine that the Boost driver has spikes that would end up frying the emitter if used in full power on strobe. Something like that, anyway.

I am curious, as well.

PM with the price, please?

same here ,pm me price pls.

Yeah, I’d take one for free too!

Sounds like a nice powerful light, but the proprietary battery required for full functionality makes it much less desirable considering the $100 buy in. Clearly it’s not for me. What a shame they couldn’t make it work 100% with regular 18650s.