Cheap and I mean Cheap RCR123A @ Everbuying

/TR-16340-1000mAh-3-7V-Rechargeable-Battery-p-25376.html 4x @ 3.14 = $0.79 each [ Just put in front of /TR-16340-1000mAh-3-7V-Rechargeable-Battery-p-25376.htm ]

Im on a RCR123A kick ATM , but at 80c each , got to be better than primaries , even if there only 350mA capacity [ lowest capacity ever measured by me in a RCR123A ] and Im not say that , but just in case they were ... Well there cheap , really cheap .

Wow, that's cheap alright. But I bet they won't ship them to you unless you buy a $300 Wolf Eyez flashlight with it. Filthy company. You might want to edit your link there to, leaving the rest of the URL intact. That way they won't notice the link and hopefully won't come back through here lying and spamming the forums.

I wasnt sure if I should post , as there rep is Sus , but just in case

Thanks Old!

Anyway - the referrer link is still there.

True. And I'm sure few people are even aware that their browser sends the REFERER header along with every single HTTP request. That's why I recommend a handy little add-on for Firefox called RefControl, which as the name suggests allows you to control precisely if and when your browser sends a REFERER header, as well as its contents.

Some sites still rely on verifying the value of the REFERER header (not a good idea from a security or design point of view to rely on easily spoofed, client-supplied data but, what can I say, it's still fairly common) and you can add an exception for those sites.

so cheap,from chinese .

Welcome to the madness, ebaygetall!

says out of stock

This is where you need a mod to come in and kill this thread least some day someone pops it open again for absolutely no reason ..


Oxy Moron: thx for the ref extensiona! will have to try it out, din know it even existed!

lol necrobump.

sorry just had to say..