"And for you Sir... how would you like your flashlight?"

“Make mine medium-rare!”

“On second thought, make it rare!”

I wonder if you can selectively flame a paisley pattern on a light ...

Silly Chinese. You bake flashlights, not cook them.

The stove looks to have flamed quite a few.


Whoever owns that kitchen is a complete slob……

effing gross

I’m not into pre baked lights, it takes all the fun out of it….

I do suggest that they should be wearing gloves though, you have to get the host fairly hot.

hot stuff!!!

WTF are they tring to prove lol
I hope theres no cell in there!

HolyFire? Really? 0.o

You cannot bake a light while holding it in your hand unless you are a robot. They get extremely hot.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA you had me laughing out loud with this one…

Or is it to prove the point that all these Chinese brands have the name “Fire” in them - Trust, Fandy, Ultra, Holy