2 years after the Tohoku, Japan, earthquake

Today Japan stood still in remembrance of the huge earthquake, that shook most of Japan exactly 2 years ago.

At 14:46 Japan held a 1-minute silence.

I started to think about the videos I have seen on TV and Youtube, and some of the feelings came back, that I experienced 2 years ago.
While I was at work, I started to feel a little shaking, which looked like I was a little drunk.
So I asked my colleague if that was an earthquake, and he said;; yes, I think so.
But it didnt stop as it usually does after a few seconds, and it kept getting worse.
Take note, that this is hundreds of kilometers away from the epi center, and that the equal power of a 5+ was experienced in the are were I was at that moment, east of Tokyo.
The building that I was in started to shake, and I could hear things falling down, and the walls cracking.

I have never felt this powerful quake before. Nor did my father in law (who turned 70), and who had felt many many earthquakes before.

Anyway, I just wanted to share some videos, that I have found on Youtube, and which I found really interesting.
Many of you have never experienced and earthquake, and have no idea what a Tsunami could look like, even though you might have seen videos on TV or on the internet.

Most people still think that a Tsunami is a big wave, that looks like every other wave in the sea. (it actually does, until it reaches shallower water, and it looks more like a flood, than a wave). anyway, the first video I want to share is from the Early Earthquake Warning system, that is the best in the world.

Its really fascinating that they can make this work so well.
You can hear it counting down, until it reaches that area.
Many mobile phones have this warning system as well, so around that big earthquake 2 years ago, we heard these early mobile earthquake warnings many times.. which was pretty scary, even though we got used to the after shocks.

please see for yourself:

This is a video shot in Tokyo, where you can see the building waving..

And this is a very interesting video of a Tsunami.
You can see how slow it actually comes, and that there is no wave!

I always kept thinking about the guys in the building 7min30 that you can see on the right, at 1 point you see them running around. and towards the end of the video 8min00, you can see that water reached the roof... and I don`t think they could escape.


There are many more agressive and shocking videos, but this one looked almost innocent, but devastating.

Holy s#it, Chibi… even if someone’s used to earthquakes…… and for the ones of us not used to it,…i’ve only experienced 4 minor ones in my life, two of them when i was living 50 meters from the beach… still remember the howling noise i heard before everything started to shake. Just freaking…. i’m glad you live in the country with the highest earthquake safety standards. Hope people in Japan don’t go through this in a long, long time.

As always, we appreciate your perspective from your location.

I am no good in what to say on these. It’s unfortunate, but natural disaster will always haunt mankind to the end of time.

If it means anything, I really think Japan and her people are very strong and resilient - and I respect that very much.

Los Angeles is now promoting being prepared to live on your own for two weeks, instead of the old 72 hours.

Devastating. I havent seen these videos before. What is the truth about the nuclear power plant? Very little info in the US about it…which makes me a little nervous.

Somebody’s cost/benefit/risk analysis said you need another nuclear reactor.

I don`t know if you knew, but the Japanese media and politics have not dealt with the whole nuclear issue too well.
Most info that I got came from overseas media.

People are living here in TOkyo, as nothing has ever happened.

It was a pretty scary but somehow interesting experience to feel the power of such an earthquake.

Fortunately we were far away from the Tsunami.
Even though at the place I was at that time, people announced that a Tsunami was coming towards us, but nobody panicked.
and I must say, how lucky we were we didnt get one… there was almost no higher ground at where we were. I also had no idea until I came home that night what actually happened.
Many people couldnt get home that day… because public transportation was frozen. NO trains, only taxis and cars were driving…
people started buying bicycles and rode home.

Many people had to wait a few hours in line before they could get a taxi, and then another few hours to get home, through the traffic.

Fortunately a colleague of mine had a car, so he drove me home… took a few hours, we I was glad I was home… in the next few days/weeks we had a few quakes per day.
Most of them pretty small. but nontheless a little freaky when hearing these early warning alarms on everybodys phone.

I have read what you have said and words fail me as they do in circumstances like this. Cheers friend and stay safe.

Whew. Well, I'm an old worn out Marine. I've been shot at & hit, jumped out of airplanes 250+ times, crawled through the jungle where carpet bombing was going on so close it bounced me in the air 6" or so off the ground for periods of 3 minutes at a time, got up and went back for more.... BUT.....

When the top video finished where the inside of the structure is shown, I found myself clutching the edge of my desk, shaking like I was in the video, ... and water running out of my eyes!!! God bless each and every one of you folks over there. I can't believe how calm everyone remained.... You are a danged site more composed than anyone I know would have been... especially me!!!

I would hate to see what would happen in the USA if we suffered such a disaster. Thanks for sharing.... I'm going now for a little walk and a sip of ummmm.... ok, coffee!!! Awe hell... it's 10:30 A.M.!!! Makers Mark it is! God Bless.


I thank you, and all others who have served, for your service and sacrifice.

Those vids were very moving.