bezelpalooza - stainless edition

At the cost of two pieces of sand paper for my orbital, here's the result of yesterday's stainless crenulated bezel mod.

I love it and think it's perfect for the L2P.

Here's the bezelpalooza crew on this fine Monday.

I'm feeling a bit under the weather today and these pictures bring a needed smile.


Those look like they took a lot of work. The results are very nice though.

Wow. ThatisoneawsomejobFoy!

I love the look of all.


The stainless one did. The other two were five minute jobs.


Yeah, I know I could just buy one. It was more a proof of concept thing, trying to get rid of the as-provided bezels while keeping total flashlight cost to a minimum. A new bezel and laynard ring can easily equal the cost of a host.

And - fine steel wool . . . that's it! Thankuuuuuu, thankyouverymuch.


Fantastic mod, Foy. I really like how they turned out.

Those look absolutely perfect Foy! Impressive work. Take a hint, Solarforce!

Hey Foy, what grit paper did you use?

I just saw the other thread - 150 then 300.


100 on the orbital to get it down past the valleys so it's flat then, 150 padded sandpaper then, 320 (I think) padded sandpaper to get rid of the tiny lines. oldbook suggested fine steel wool and I think that would be perfect to make it more shiny. Would have to be extremely fine.


Thanks pal. Maybe you could open your own business - "Bezel Masters....Say goodby to lumpy "


Me too. Simple, straightforward, yet impressive. Good job!

Nice work.


The guy who dies with the most foys wins

Great looking mods Foy! You do nice work.

Boaz, Ive got my foy net at the ready. Where do we catch 'em?

It looks so foy!

In need of some Foy treatment. Might not have anything left though after sanding.

Yeah James, those are kinda shallow. It might still work but you'd have to be real careful. Actually, as I look at yours, those are real nice bezels. I think I would either take them down ala jacktheclipper, like about half way or . . . they sorta look awesomw the way they are, especially Mr. Silver.


REALLY like the looks of that ground down & polished SS bezel Foy!! Even better than the new flat SS bezel Solarforce has - I'm not fond of the indents on the inside, and your modded bezel has more depth.

Which bezel did you mod? Was it this one?

Thanks, Tom
