What % of your income is spent on purchases related to this flashlight hobby?

You can see the archived poll results on the Wayback Machine:


Where's the "Too much, but I don't care"-option? ;)

I thought about putting that as one of the options but I figured 99% of us would pick that one. LOL

Where’s the “Too much and the bank cares” option?

I think that if you want to get some useful results, you probably shouldn’t include “too much and I should stop” as a choice.

I’d guess that many, if not all, would just “feel” that way (I know that I do… after all this is “just a hobby”, and would probably feel that way, regardless of the $s that I actually spend on it), and so if we all click that choice, then the results aren’t going to provide much info.

Sorry for being “serious”, but just my opinion…

how about this

much, MUCH less than I pay in taxes

That's ok. I figured some people just doesn't want to dilulge that information so they have another option to choose from. Others just don't bother voting altogether. Anyways it's just for fun.

You make up a good point and got me thinking. If we want to be serious and make it worthwhile, we should come up with some real useful polls. Polls that give these Chinese seller ideas what we really want. I understand they sell to the masses but I seriously believe we, BLF and the other flashlight enthusiast make up a good chunk of this market. Just look at Fasttech for example and their recent popularity. They operate differently from the rest of the herd and we reward them for it with our $$$.

Here are some of the things I can come up with that I like to see changed.

  1. Better mode selection. No stupid flashy modes.
  2. More accurate descriptions. No crazy overstated 1600 lumen crap.
  3. Service over price? Better customer service and never break promises. You will not be forgiven.
  4. Don't offer special promotions when all you offer on specials are junk!
  5. etc.....

Missing anything?


There was a thread last night, where, I think, someone from Xtar was posting, and there was a discussion about their VP1 charger, and whether they would have a 4-bay charger. They seemed to think that a 2-bay charger was what the market wanted, but at least for me, I think a 2-bay charger doesn’t make sense, but rather they should have a 1-bay and a 4-bay charger in their product line instead. That’d be a good thing to poll?

A 4-bay charger would be very useful for all these lights that are multi-cell BUT NOT the way Nitecore did their 4-bay charger, it’s really only a 2 channel charger and of low current too; no thanks….I’d rather stick with 2 separate chargers then instead.

Man, you just killed it. Just remembered tax returns are due end of this month. Oh joy...NOT!!! LOL, (crying softly)

wonder if the government will question my new dependents, "Skyray, Solarforce, & Xtar. Hey I have seen parents name their kids with more crazy names!

Maybe I can deduct the cost if a few 18650 batteries as a non taxable tax credit!?! Maybe not.

I have a 2-bay Nitecore charger and a 4-bay TrustFire charger and the NiteCore charges my cells faster. Because of this I’m planning to get a 4-bay Nitecore but was not aware of what Nitecore did to their 4-bay. What’s the issue of Nitecore’s 4-bay chargers? :open_mouth:

Back to the topic. What about “Too much but I pretend not to care” option? :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway I agree with post #6. More and more people are starting to get interested in flashlights and they would normally look for a forum, like BLF, where they can learn a lot (that’s what I did). Many flashlight enthusiasts also are starting to be aware of the outrageous ‘1600 lumens’ outputs declared by these suppliers and instead of getting getting these lights, they shy away from these brands. And I think polls like that would guide these Chinese suppliers on what we ‘flashaholics’ are looking for. After all, we constitute a big chunk of their regular costumers.

Why not start the poll? :slight_smile:

Actually I kind of like the idea - but I think not. My kids would not forgive me if I name then Terminator or UrAnusFire. :bigsmile:


oh man. I'm laughing so hard ppl on the subway think I'm crazy. I think I pee'd a little

Where is the ....more than I paid for my car option..?

Please define "Purchases related"...

If gords would buy a house with workshop and thrower test range -- Does that count? ;)