IceBay experiences, anybody?

They have a light i want.
I registered, got a welcoming mail, but not able to log in, that is, nothing happens…
Anybody have any experience with IceBay?

at first i though its ebay :smiley:
but their price is expensive :expressionless:

The site is veeeery slow to load here in the US. I have no experience with them.

13 dollars for a sipik clone? Move along folks nothing to see here.

They have a Pop lite i want, which has the lowest price i could find.
Indeed, their cheap models are not attractively priced, at all.

Bump, if that’s okay…
Nobody here ever bought anything from them?

It’s about this light:
It’s offered for $23.81 shipped, which is okay.
(best offer i could find)
Includes charger and a 18650 battery.

I’m waiting for response of the store-owner, about the (not) log-in issues…
Maybe i should mention i opened a topic on his store here. :slight_smile: