Charger for AA AAA, PP3 and lithium chemistries?

OK, hands up, not seached the forum yet, but have looked a couple of on line places and not come up with one.

Is there such a thing as a basic …can be slow 12 hour charger that can handle NiMh AA and AAA cells, NiMh 9v PP3 and also lithium chemistry …18650/ 14500 cells?

Could do with a small charger for workshop at work.

Been meaning to either search or post for a few weeks about this, but it keeps slipping my mind. Got a quick few mins at the end of the work day to fire off this quickly, very slow, very cheap. Idk about the algorithm. They have some others with 9V slots too, you’ll have to find out the specifications yourself. Buy an i2 or i4 for lithium, I’ve seen them discounted often lately. To charge both chemistries, in any size, you’ll most likely need a hobby charger.

Sound like it is this charger you are looking for:

Uep, HKJ, that is the perfect one.

I already have 3 or 4 hobby chargers, but they are not suitable for this application. OK, there are some mains powered ones, but most need a PSU, then battery holders, then going through menu system etc.

Need a charger or two on a bench, that does not look intimidating / loads of wires etc, that a battery or two can just be clipped into and it will work.

Thanks, those H2’s look perfect