Help Needed:Eyesight Deteriorating

Hello everyone. I contacted a MOD to make sure that this was alright to post and permission was given. I have been a member here now for over five years and I enjoy this forum very much. Thank you all for the great help and advice over the years. Those who know me may remember that I was born with Optic Atrophy and was born legally blind. My eyesight has gotten worse and is now causing me to seek help to regain and relearn daily life tasks. AT a recent eye exam I was told things such as:

can see hand movement
corrected left eye reading card is 20/800
corrected right eye reading card is 20/800 OR 20/1600 OR no useable vision depending on the source
There is a question mark by the doctor as to if my eyes will get worse…they do not know yet
I am being setup to see a neuro-opthomologist to see if the vision loss has anything to do with my VP shunt

I am currently working on setting up rehab services from the state school for the blind. That will be a 6-9 month live on campus 5 day a week training course for me. This will allow me to relearn things such as cleaning, folding clothes, walking with a white cane, braille, etc.

Here is the reason I am asking for help. I enjoy reading, music, and audiobooks. I am asking for help in getting a device that will allow me to continue to enjoy reading and music. The device is called a Victor Reader Stream. I have started a fund raiser for it and will include the link here. The link includes a video about the device and what it does. I feel bad asking for help however, how can one get help and support if others do not know about it? Thank you all very much for the prayers, support, and encouragement.

Hi Paul

Made a small donation to help get things started.

Sorry to hear that.
What about a simple paypal link?

Please pm me your PayPal so I donate $4 to you.
I do not want to support that site

I have keratoconus.
Started when I was 12, but my brain adapted so diagnosed when I was 20.
By that time my cornia was so fu#*ed up only transplant could help me and I do not want that.
Vision estimated at minus 20 back then and it is worse now.
Bit apart from driving a car (I can’t) and squinting to focus better (but looking strange of course doing that) I manage and still read the tiniest of letters.
Thank god for technology!
Read all on screens, love zooming.
Lol bought a book made from paper last year and swiped and pinch to zoom on the pages so downloaded it :wink:

Good luck man!

I could do a simple Paypal link I guess. I did not want to do that because I felt that a funding site would be more honest and hold more credibility. I also picked that one site over others because they do not charge fees and such where as Kickstarter and GoFundMe charge fees and make money off donations.

They do not charge fees?
Hmm I missed the option not do pay them $1 but lol people with bad eyes tend to miss things right :wink:
Gonna check again

Ah yes it is possible to set the donation to the site to $0
But they want credit card.
So please pm paypal

Thanks for PMing your PayPal will donate $4 now!

Update. So far there have been $70 raised. Please continue to share this post as often as you like on social media, etc. Thank you all for the help and support.

Bump to help a BLF member.

Thank you all for the prayers and support. It is so comforting to know that people care. Here is an update on the fundraiser thus far. As of right now $115 of the $369 has been raised. Please continue to share this with friends, family, and those whom you might know. I have taken care of some of the steps needed to help me attend my state rehab center for the blind. The eye exam and doctor visit is now done. Thanks again for the help and support.

Bump for the weekend.

Hello everyone. I want to thank all of you for the help and support. We are now at $135 of the $369 goal thanks to the folks from BLF. There have also been some Paypal donations given from people on this site. $19 has been raised on Paypal from those who preferred to support this fundraiser. Thank you all very much for this wonderful help. I am very grateful.

Great, thanks for the update!

Donation sent.
Hope things work out Paul.

Sent $25
I pray you are blessed by those who choose to support. I now what it is like to need help. I have some AMAZING stories of funds being raised. It is humbling to receive, especially when one was once easily self supported. Anyway blessings to you and to those who love you! :slight_smile:

PP link me, I will add my few cents :slight_smile:

The people here on this forum are amazing. Thank you all so very much. I saw in emails where more support has come in and it brought me to tears. I will keep praying for the folks of this forum. I am very grateful and honored. As I type this, there has been $170 of $369 raised through YouCaring. Thank you all so very much.


Hello everyone. Here is an update on the fundraiser for the Victor Reader Stream. It has grown to $220 of the $369 needed for the device. Thank you all for the help, prayers, and support.

Please pm me PayPal info as I’m uncomfortable with the amount of information they asked for besides credit card info.

All the best, RBD


Hello everyone. I want to share the great news. The people of this forum are simply wonderful As of right now there is $220 via YouCaring and another $60 via Paypal. That is a total of $280 or the $369 needed. This is wonderful. Thank you all for the help, prayers, and support.