Sunwayman m10r v10r replica

Anyone got a link to the replica of the sunwayman m10r/v10r?
I was browsing ebay the other day and in the thumbnails I saw what looked like a replica of a v10r. I got distracted by my son and shut down my ipad and forgot about it. I tried to find them today but they aren’t listed as anything obvious on ebay and as you know there’s thousands of lights on there to sift through.
I love my v10r titanium and wouldn’t mind a beater replica of one.
Has anyone else seen them?

Something like this or true replica?

Yeah, that must have been it, thanks. I did only see a thumbnail of it but remember seeing the clip that was the same and the light looked the same from the little pic.
It’s no clone, but certainly must have been based on the V10r titanium!

from ebay description

"material: metal"

lmao - anybody know if that's aluminum or stainless?

guess ≠ know

It is, I know.

thanks, i like facts.