7500 Lumen Thrower - TLF GT-R (2 Mcd) und TLF GT-S (830 kcd)


the german TLF did develop their version of a bad a** thrower...


Link (german): http://www.taschenlampen-forum.de/threads/7500-lumen-thrower-tlf-gt-r-2-mcd-und-tlf-gt-s-830-kcd.63178/

Link (english translated): https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=http://www.taschenlampen-forum.de/threads/7500-lumen-thrower-tlf-gt-r-2-mcd-und-tlf-gt-s-830-kcd.63178/&xid=25657,15700022,15700122,15700124,15700149,15700168,15700186,15700201&usg=ALkJrhiR0DOPCOOy3Djgf_r6fEdg31P7Qw

might be date related... ;)

holy smokes! Martin, any chance that BLF users will be able to get in on this (via your website) one or were you just sharing this with us?


Interesting but not a real fan of the external heat sink.

TBH I already found GT to be too big. I’m not impressed with their 8*21700. Just like major use of copper.
But I am with heatpipes - finally we have someone try that.
Also, I like how they use shaved XHP70.2. Though I wonder if they considered quad SST-40 - they could get the same output and throw with a shallower head.

It looks great, any chance for non TLF members to join?

Usb programmable for UI looks interisting

Good day guys,don’t forget it is the first of April today. :smiley:

Very true, I fell for it lol

hence the second post ;)

Hehe :slight_smile: Looks like Germans also have the tradition :slight_smile:

I would like to see BLF GT2 in “soda can” shape. Side by side batteries would make a form factor much more practical in my opinion.

April fool?

Last entry on TLF was at 14:07h CET. At that time they still have not connected the dots.
Though I do suspect that a few people with more-than-one membership are keeping things quiet.

Pretty sure it is a April fool’s prank.

However I really hope it’s real! Just so awesome if they can make it.

BTW, I can’t open that picture. Martin could you share that picture? (If that is allowed of course)

Here ya go:

Hah! I fell for it hook line and sinker.

I wish TLF and BLF could do a collaboration someday.

BTW, it’s there a chance now for a BLF GF? (Giga Flooder)

Thnx raccoon.
It does look awesome but not really as a big ass flashlight like the GT. Wonder where the switch is. I mean a tail switch won’t be practical as you’ll need to be some heavy weight champ to use this flashlight in cigar style grip. :smiley:

I knew the two doughnuts hugging the head looked odd!

It needs a belt clip…!!! :open_mouth: