Review needed

can someone give me a review about this kindly, Powerful Flashlight 3.8 Million Volt Stun Gun

Must be Chinese volts. :stuck_out_tongue:

The cop’s would love you as they march you away.
Deadly weapon comes to mind.
I got a talking to yrs ago. When I put a 12in Cattle Prod in daughters car. and told her.
Anybody stick their head in here. zap. Right between the eyes, or in the left ear.

Her next boyfriend was a cop. Whoops. I carry it in mine since.

Nowadays ALL girls should carry that 6in version.
Bloody magic and don’t it kick. A bull jumps back a foot or two.
Much betterer than Mace. (I got 9 g.daughters. They all got one.)

Any discount coupons for that cattle prod?

My first thought is… don’t waste your money, get a gun or that cattle prod. Or both…… :wink:

Hit ’em with the cattle prod first. If they get back up and come toward you again…
…well they won’t a third time!

Exactly my friend…… :wink:

Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.

atbglen is likely right though, Chinese volts not being as robust as Real Volts.

Yes sir… exactly right! :beer:

Well, even if all the specs were true, I would not waste my money on it.

You know why?


Well, in some ways Nickel Cadmium is still better than Nickel Metal Hydride. For some purposes, it’s still the better choice. Even Li-Ion can’t do some things that NiCad can.