Dimming/Ramping UI Zommie?

I’m looking for a flashlight that has infinite dimming like the Emisar D1/D4/D4s, but has a zooming head. Is there any out there regardless of battery/form factor?

Sorry if this has been covered. I’m not even sure how to search for this in a sea of crappy google results.

buy an e-switch host that you like, install one of my Narsil drivers

Problem is there are not many e-switch hosts out there, maybe you find one with a reasonable quality

“Stepless” was the word I was missing. I think I found one option:


The only two decent, that I know are Fenix FD41 and FD40, yet I don’t know anybody, that can open them.

There’s a good clicky switch ramping FW available in toykeeper’s crescendo. Mtnelectronics offers it on their FET+1 drivers.