Help with anduril aux lights during muggle mode

Before I start copying and pasting things trying to figure out how to modify anduril, I figured I’d ask the experts and see if this was even possible.

I’d like to have aux lights on my d4sv2 while I’m in muggle mode. I really enjoy them and being able to leave it in muggle mode with the lights on would make it a perfect light for not having to worry about melting a pocket, or more likely someone else’s pocket or worse.

I have very limited programming experience, however I bought the flashing kit from Hank and am hoping that there will be an easy copy and paste option to include the aux lights in muggle mode.

Doable? If so can someone steer me in the right direction in order to get it right?

I’ve made zero edits and flashes on my d4sv2, so I’m not familiar nor really comfortable with this process yet, I’m just learning step by step as I go. Thanks for your time and help.

- Durachoke