SOLD Unopened Reylight Brass Pineapple and Copper Pineapple Mini & FW3A

I bought a second Reylight Pineapple AA/14500 but I never opened it so it’s still sealed in the package in tape. I can open it if you’d like. SOLD

Same story for the Reylight Pinapple mini AAA/10440. SOLD

Bought a second FW3A with the CREE XPL HI 7A when it was initially released. Never used this either. SOLD


I will take FW3A,

brass AA is Nichia 219C?

Sorry I completely spaced; yes it’s Nichia 219c

What about shipping to EU?

If you’re willing to pay it sure but shipping to the EU is going to cost as much as the light.

Thank JJ, got the light yesterday. Everything came in perfect, light is working and shipping is fast.

PM sent on brass AA

PM sent on the mini
