Jetbeam M1X WP-RX

Looking to acquire a Jetbeam M1X WP-RX LEP flashlight however no one seems to be able to get any. Does anyone know if Jetbeam is going to produce more or where there might be one for sale?

I don't really know, but a good (or better) alternative is the Weltool W4. What is the reason for choosing the M1X WP RX?

They said possibly next month. Neal said the UI is changing from a tailswitch to rotary. Not sure what other changes are being made.

Isn’t the M1X cheaper with about the same throw? Why do you like the W4 better?

So, they are going to upgrade the M1X WP RX? Oh.... you got me interested!

The W4 looks and feels better, and has a higher output throughout the runtime (after the output drop in the first minute or so), and Weltool is a company to get in touch with easily, directly with the most important person within the company. The M1X isn't mentioned on Jetbeam's website, and the amount of sellers that are selling it, are only 1 or 2. The M1X was also not meant to be sold overseas, so you could have some issues with warranty?

I already have the W4 and the acebeam W30 so just wanting to finish off my collection.