Shaded lens

What sort of lens can be used to check if all the dies on emitter are working? Couldn’t fing anything on forums by searching. Probably welding glass only.

Yeah, welding glass is one.

Wondering if cardboard with a pinhole in it, acting like a camera obscura, would project an image of the dice on the wall.

Ie, cardboard, pinhole, cover the light and project it at a wall (close and far, see if it needs to “focus” any).

Hjeh, just tried it, and it does work. GTmicro, business card from junkmail, just poked a hole in it with a point of a pen, and while you won’t be getting Nikon Small World awards or anything, it does project a square image of the die.

Go crazy…

Solar eclipse viewing glasses also work well for this.

Can confirm.

ZWB2 filters used on UV flashlights works too. Though I don’t know if there are large sized of those. Works for small flashlights though.

Pinhole camera technique should work quite well in the absence of a welding filter. Its the most basic form of optic and has the benefit of an almost limitless focal point. The smaller and more regular you make the hole, the cleaner the image of the die will be, but the darker it will get (which isn’t usually an issue with what your trying to do)

Just need to remember that the image will be flipped/mirrored.