Question regarding S2+ LH351D color temperatures

I’m looking at Simon’s listings to figure out the bins for each tint. It seems the 3500K is the only one that falls below the BBL

4000K and 2700K seem to be above. 5700K and 5000K seem to have some overlap with the BBL.

Does this mean 4000K and 2700K will be more green than 5700K and 5000K?

4000K even in T6 or T7 generaly aren’t great so yeah it probably wont be good at all. I haven’t tested 3500K from convoy but it’s probably the nicest they have.

My Sofirn SP36 with LH351D 90 CRI 5000k looks grey to me. On turbo it gets whiter.

I bought ten 4000k lh351d LEDs from the convoy store on aliexpress and they are very green. I also own one 4000k lh351d that I bought from led4power in 2018 and it has a much nicer tint, so I know its not all of them

4000K seems to fluctuate a lot depending on the bin