DIY headlamp clip (with pocket clip support)

Yeah, I know, this looks like a ripoff of the Skilhunt H04 RC clip and indeed that was my inspiration… :person_facepalming:

Thus it shares its biggest feature: Quickly attaching and detaching the light with its pocket clip still on. I designed this for a Sofirn SP40, but the design can be easily adapted for other lights. All files are included at Thingiverse.

The printed clip is riveted to a piece of leather. I used a Wuben headband because it can be opened without cutting it.

Just a warning: This is an experimental design and although I had run a FEM on it I’m absolutely no FEM expert. Also a big light like the SP40 is too heavy to use without a top strap.

Headlamp clip by SammysHP - Thingiverse

Very nice! Thanks Sammy

Here’s another version – no additional parts required (except for the elastic band).

Unibody headlamp clip by SammysHP - Thingiverse

is that plastic material

That’s very cool!

What if you put a wider back / base with two vertical slots so that the elastic band loops through and also is what rests on your head/helmet?

Looks very cool SammysHP!

That would be very hard to print with lots of supports.