WTT: KR4 E21A for Acebeam TK16

I have a mint, black KR4 E21A 4500k that I want to trade for an Acebeam TK16 with 3535 mcpcb

SS bezel ?
New clip?

Yes, no.

Smooth tailswitch

I do have a TK16 w/SST-20 LEDs, but it’s got some wear on it. I’d definitely be down for the trade though.

I’d like it to be in the same condition. You really need to be careful taking the pocket clip on these.

I’m also wondering they all ramp very slowly, or if some are the same as the TK18.

I have a TK16 with Osrams I believe they are. Will have to consult the box. It’s mint and never been carried. Sweet little light, but I’d be interested in the trade for sure. Let me know and I’ll send some pics tomorrow ASAP

Hmm… I want to try Osrams but I’m not sure in that light.

Now I have something to think about today. I cut myself at work so I’m bored silly.

I’m starting to lean towards throwing a triple 219b in a KR4. I realized that there set up perfectly for that. It’s a better light but it doesn’t have the cigar feeling of the cr123 lights.