Convoy C8?

Hello all! I just grabbed an old style C8 from ebay. It says covoy c8 ll on it. I can’t find anything about this model at all and can’t get it out of 3 mode, if possible. Anyone see one of these before and/or know anything about it. I’ve tried changing modes using other methods but nothing has worked for whatever UI this has. Thanks for the help!!

In low mode, wait until it blinks once. Right after click once. It should have 5 mode enabled.
As far as I can remember, Convoy never produced a C8 II. It should be a clone.

In low mode it stays on steadily. Is there a sequence to follow before putting it in low mode? I just tried the s2+ method of 20 half presses and got it to start blinking but can’t recreate it for the life of me. Now I’m more lost lol.

Even with physical totally identical drivers: it all depends on the firmware.
What brand/type indicators are written on the spring-side of the driver?
I have Convoys with 3-mode drivers and with 3/5-mode drivers.
It can be a bit of a lottery if not bought from Simon himself.

I took it apart earlier and only saw xml as far as I remember. It was a green chip.

Unscrew the body from the head. Look into the head. You’ll see a spring and (what?) numbers and letters.

105c is all I can see.

It has the 4 stars with the third from left soldered. So it should be stuck on hi med low as far as I have read. But a series of fast presses that I can not recreate dis get it to flash in a programmable mode. What might that be to enter programming?

Forget all about programmability. This is a rather vintage model Nanjg driver. With a short stiff spring, if I’m correct. Soldering the different stars IS (hardware) programming.
Though not exactly the same driver, you get a pretty good inpression HERE.