Any Disc Golfers here ?

I have been playing Disc Golf since 1983 .

I generally play at least 18 holes every weekend .

We have a lot of great courses here in central Florida and I usually go even or better on most of them .

I have seen Disc Golf mentioned a few times over the years but now that we have so many members I wonder how many of us are regular players ?

Got a casual one here. “Disc”overed the sport (see what I did there? lol) in March 2019 thanks to extra time provided by Covid (blah). I just turned 50 and WISH I had found it earlier in life so my body could handle it more easily BUT…my family and I still enjoy it.
Can’t break more than 350 on a drive to my knowledge…sure my form could use help…not much of an Xstep there…but I can be fairly accurate.
Probably play more like every other week around work schedule.
Like you…can shoot par fairly regularly unless I play on a more difficult or really long course.
Love to watch a pure flight on a disc…whether I get lucky and throw it or watching somebody else do it! :slight_smile:

I’ve been addicted and playing disc golf non-stop for nearly 4 years now.

This is a great thread to me! Twisted Raven, I love your arsenal or whatever you call it. It’s really cool.
I became a frisbee fanatic like……50 years ago. I was pretty good but there were no disc golf courses—at least not in my neck of the woods. I played whenever I had a partner. I had a really awesome frisbee dog—German Shorthair named Rusty who could tune out the rest of the world as long as there was a Frisbee in my hand. I could throw a disc a long ways in those days but couldn’t out-throw Rusty. My younger son introduced me to disc golf a few years ago. I enjoyed it but arthritis has limited my ability in my old fart years. I think I would have been quite the addict in my better days. Like I said, I think this is a really cool thread!

Dang, I haven’t played for like 40 years, but I don’t remember using more than like 3-5 frisbees…
I do remember coming home with different ones than I left with sometimes though :stuck_out_tongue:

Are each of those different discs used for particular situations, sort of like the different woods and irons in a golf bag?

I’ve thought about playing a course, but never got around to it. Brings back memories, though, of the first time I tossed a disc; I was maybe 8 years old, on the beach next to the fort in Key West, with a couple of older fellas. For several mornings in a row we’d toss a Frisbee or a Whiz Ring (sort of like Aerobie, with open center) and then play cribbage.

Yes indeed. They all fly differently, and have their own roles, depending on distance, flight shape, wind conditions, ground play, etc.