CoQ-10 recommendations

Just wondering if anyone know of a good reasonable priced CoQ-10 100mg other than Nature Made that I can try.
Hate statin cholesterol drugs but such is my DNA that I need it but seems like the Q-10 doesn’t do squat.

Any help appreciated.

I forgot what brand I used to get (no actual “need”; Just Because). Might’ve been the CVS or Duane Reade house-brand, or name-brand if on a 2fer1 sale, etc.

Problem is that doctors prescribe statins like they’re handing out Pez, and I’ve seen (and saved) articles making points against taking statins (eg, 38% higher risk of developing diabetes, etc.), offering a sort of other side of the argument. I ain’t pushing, but if you want me to forward some, lemme know.

I’d rather have the Pez.

there are many on Amazon, here is one of the least expensive per capsule

From what i’ve read, your body makes cholesterol and it gets secreted from the bile duct to aid in digestion of food. It gets reabsorbed, stored and recycled.

In addition the brain is mostly comprised of cholesterol.

It seems also that cholesterol can buildup and cause blockage in arteries of the heart.

Is the numerical value of the amount of cholesterol in the bloodstream the same for every person?

What regulates the amount of cholesterol that the body needs?

If it is like most feedback control systems, then a deficit would cause a greater production response in order to get back to the equilibrium value; and an excess would cause a reduction response also toward the body’s natural level.

If you have any GI issues such as colitis, then possibly the body is compensating by producing more. i.e. feedback control response

There is a resin-based material in an oral suspension Rx called cholestryamine. It slows down the GI tract and gives the body time to pull the water out, which really helps control the symptoms of microscopic colitis. From the fine print of the medical sheet included with the Rx, it acts to bind with cholesterol and prevent reabsorption in the gut.

i don’t know how statins work, or CoQ, for comparison.

First off, if you are over age 35 or 40 use Ubiquinol, it is the active form of CoQ10. It is much more bioavailable as we age.

I have used This One before. This is a link to Amazon but I get it at WalMart.

But these are what I use on a regular basis.
Vitacost Synergy Ubiquinol CoQH Featuring Kaneka Ubiquinol® — 100 mg - 120 Softgels

Swanson Ultra- Ubiquinol

They are from VitaCost or Swanson & I am 100% pleased with either of them and all Vitacost or Swanson products as well.

I usually stock up on what I need when they have sales. And they have them on a regular basis too.

I usually hold out & wait for the BOGO (Buy One Get One) Sales. Huge savings that way.

Hope this helps……

PS…. You can look up the information about Ubiquinol if you doubt it or want to double check. Unless you are luckier than me asking your Doctor will be a waste of time… :smiley: :smiley:
Mine was clueless to anything except prescription drugs. :person_facepalming:

Yes… I found a new Doctor. :+1:

Personally, I DO NOT limit myself to 100 mg a day either. Several (3 or 4) days a week I take 200 mg - 300 mg a day.
The older we get the more we need. :wink:

I am trying to find a great article I read on the subject some time back. If I find it I’ll post a link.

I use Qunol Ubiqiqunol. I get it at Costco when they have it on sale for $8 to $10 off. Though they sell it in many places and sales are pretty common.
Costco also has periodic sales on the Qunol Liquid CoQ10. Easy to take and I like the flavor. I tend to alternate with the above.
Both also available on Amazon as well. But Costco deals are better if available to you.

I wish there was some definitive way to measure efficacy with CoQ10 supplements. It’s all long term health and there’s no convenient way to assess if a supplement is actually helping you.

JenkinsMatti, when do Vitacost and Swanson typically have these sales?

Costco has good prices on Q10

i worry about un-regulated supplements that may or may not contain the secret sauce that is advertised or labelled. How do you know what’s really in it, much less what sort of results does it really deliver.

i had appts with a medical professional who cancelled my visit, and then had her head wrapped with a scarf on the next visit. Turns out she and her husband lost all their hair and poisoned themselves with some sort of trace metal mineral supplement. It contained 50x the dose on the label, some sort of selenium or something, can’t remember the exact substance, but i quit going to her. It can happen to even the so-called professional practitioners.

Like CBD oil, from what i’ve seen is mostly Vitamin E oil with cbd added. But is it really added, how do you know it’s not just $nake oil?

Typically the best sales come at Holidays (Memorial & Labor Days, 4th, Thankgiving, etc, etc.).

But something is always on some type sale.

Personally, I usualy stock up on what I am gonna need for several months when they have the BOGO & 40% - 50% off sales.

Once you register with them they will send you Texts &/or emails to inform you of sales.

One of the best deals of CoQ10 is Kirkland’s CoQ10 300 mg. I have been taking it for a few years now. This brand is available in COSCO at a reasonable price.

CoQ10 in Singapore is very expensive. So I would ask my daughter in New Jersey to buy from COSCO and mail the CoQ10 to me in one big lot once a year.

OK, great. I’ll do that then. Thanks!

Most CBD oil is pretty much a placebo, from what I’ve learned. Doesn’t have enough active ingredient to really do anything. It’s just another “health product” upon which they’re using for easy profit. Medical marijuana is a real thing, though.

My pleasure xevious.

The naughty cholesterol myth is a big scam and a relatively recent theory promoted by Ancel Keys. Cholesterol is very important for the body but the real problem come from bad food ; junk food, seed oil, sugar, flour, cereals, overeating that creates inflammations in the body and the body use cholesterol as a sort of fixing paste in arteries.

Let food be thy medicine.

Yep. Cholesterol is used for making repairs, and “lowering cholesterol” to me always seemed like having a house that constantly needs repairs and has bags of plaster lying around to do so, and statins would be like tossing away all those bags of plaster and calling it a win.

The damage is still there, only now is not getting repaired. Best to find what’s causing the walls to crack, etc. instead of just hiding the evidence.

1 Thank

B3 - Niacin - Nicotinic acid is commonly used natural substance for regulating cholesterol levels (and unlike drugs, it raises HDL and lowers LDL at the same time).

There are few forms of B3 available, 500-1000mg of pure Niacin (=nicotinic acid) is used for cholesterol problems, not niacinamide or other time-release versions like inositol-hexanictinate etc (they are bad for liver).

Pure niacin causes intense but harmless "flush" (red skin,itching etc.) when taken at doses >50mg without meal, but over time body adapts and it gets less intense or without reaction.

If taken with meal, flush is greatly reduced. Dose should be slowly increased every few days from 100mg to 500-1000mg per day in 100mg increments.

Yeh, I always stick with straight NicOH and none of the other ones.

And I looove that niacin-flush. :laughing:

Like a nice tingly sunburn alllllll over…

Remember, there are quite a few different statins. I went through five before I found one I could tolerate. If you’re having trouble tolerating your dose, ask about pravistatin. It’s the oldest and easiest tolerated statin.

For my cholesterol problem, I take a statin, fish oil, and psyllium husk fiber.

With all of that, my cholesterol is good.

I don't think I should take CoQ-10 because my blood pressure is already pretty darn low (slightly below 120/80).

FYI, taking a Statin drug reduces CoQ10 levels as does age.
This is concerning for anyone taking a Statin drug.

Ubiquinol is a much more bio-available form of CoQ10.
Most likely your body would benefit greatly from taking it.