H17f Programming with Reverse Clicky

Does anyone have a link to programming the H17f driver with a reverse clicky? All that I am able to find is the chart for the forward clicky. Thanks for the help.

Welcome to BLF, Kalsu!
Actually, it will probably be easier to configure it with a Reverse clicky.
For that, you just need to turn the flashlight ON and the make the taps you need like if it was a forward clicky.

If it is absolutely needed, I can make a video with a reverse clicky, but following the instructions and watching some videos even if they are made with forward switch will probably be enough :wink:

Let me know if you can manage to do it or not!

Thanks pleasure to be here.

That did work out, thanks for the help. Initially I was letting the battery voltage blinks stop before clicking into the programing mode. Its all good now though.

Glad you made it :wink:

It was tough for me in the first and second time, to configure it, but now it is quite simple.

Enjoy your light !!