Lifx vs hub+bulbs


i’ve used KASA smarbulbs in the past, and they were comparable to 60w incandescents.

i’m currently having a home built and want to fill it with colored bulbs.

mostly i’m interested in the Lifx bulbs, specifically the BR30 and ER26. both of these bulbs are comparable to 75w incandescents, plus Lifx offers the candleflame-flicker option. i’ve seen these as cheap as $90 for two bulbs.

does anyone have many of these set up in their house? any kind of connectivity issues? issues with a preset of, for example, 10 lights coming on at the same time and color, yet not all of them are always reliable?

one reason Lifx bulbs are convenient is that they don’t need a hub. but if i’m using a lot of bulbs, would a hub like the Philips bulbs make the system as a whole more reliable? or no difference?