Held the Jacob A60 reflector over a xml tonight

I've been playing researching the Jacob A60 light lately and tonight I held the reflector over a T6 on copper from DX that got fed 4,5 amps. Got a lux reading of 56 kCd!

So that would put this little baby in the league of the much beloved *****fire STL-V2 but in a much smaller package and single battery configuration that we all love :-)

I'll keep goofing around researching the options of this host.

Sounds interesting :slight_smile:


keep us updated on this one

Sounds promising.

Anything new here? Maybe de-dome it!

Yeah I already did.

Driven at 5 amps (driver draw) it produced ~82 kCd. Very nice. Now I jsut have to make a 5 amp nanjg and stick in there.... But that may be a while.

This sounds awesome, amazing throw for it’s size. I was wondering though would 1 x 18650 be able to drive a single XML at 5 amps with a linear regulator? I would have thought that the LED Vf at that drive current combined with the battery sag wouldn’t make it. If it works I want one too.

is one of those lights that never ceases to impress. I’m an A60 afficionado so I very much look forward to what you develop here. I bet it raises plucked eyebrows even over at CPF. 8)

I am wondering about that amp draw/voltage sag ratio too. Obviously the thing will have thermal sag. It already has at 3,5 A. (35% over 10 minutes when stood on it's tail on the table, and it gets HOT!) But that's not my point. My point is exactly that average use would me medium. High is for spotting something far, far away. And in that small, reasonably priced and well executed host I think it will be a go-to light like no other. Or that is what I hope at least :-)

@ Lumatic: Yeah I know we both have several of these lights. They are just that good IMHO. Also in stock form.

EDIT: Think I'll have to get some IMR orwhatstheirname batteries rated for 10 A draw or more to power this little sucker like it should be powered. We'll see.

doncha? I know the big Harley-head’s here have their throwing points but that stupid little A60 which can be hidden in your back pocket with an overshirt is just absolutely mind-boggling. I have an X100 on the way so I’m a Harley-head too. :wink:

Now I know that I’ll have a practical use for that X100 maybe once or twice a year at best. The A60 though will be used constantly in some fashion or another. Dynamite in a small package.

That's why you should use good batteries. ;)

anything further with this?

Not really. I am at work right now (I am a sailor so I'll be at work for the next 2 months also) and we are swamped with work. The maintenace on board is lacking, the spare parts registration is 1 year behind as far as stock counting goes, we have 2 outstanding overhauls on 910 KW generators and I have a new 3rd engineer fresh from school that is keeping me busy. Besides that whole de-doming thing on the xml has got me working on my Trustfire X7 where I am now up to a peak of 183 kCd for the first 10 seconds and then sagging to a steady 170 kCd. Love that light but thats all I have had time for.

Ledsmoke provided a nice comparison of the XM-L & XR-E in the A60 here:

I might consider swapping an XP-G2 or just leave the XR-E in there.

Oh that’s awesome! I really do need to pick up one (or two) of those A60s

I documented some beamshot comparisons in my Underground Mine thread between a KD C8 XM-L (3A) and my Dongrui All-920 (very very similar to the Jacob A60 and same light as the Uniquefire V3, but XR-E Q5 at 2A). The Dongrui was much better for throwing in order to see detail at long distances. The bright spill from the XM-L just knocks out your night vision to see further. Note I have never compared to a real XM-L thrower type light (and my HD2010 is currently dead to compare to that one).

(This post probably more appropriate in the "A60" thread. )


Thanks Lowlumen. I did find that thread.

Those pictures helped alot Gary. :beer:

It does seem best to leave the A60 XRE. I will keep an eye out to see if anyone gets clever down the line though. :slight_smile:

I guess for XML throwers better stick to the bigger multi-cell / multi-emitter lights to achieve combination of bigger hotspot than XRE plus throw.