The future of flashlights? Not!

Our son, who is a self confessed science geek (I understand this is no longer regarded as a term of abuse) drew my attention to the following article whilst he was conducting a science project at school. I don’t think this will cause too many waves in the world of flashlights but it is great to see a hugely self confident girl punching above her weight (We have a 14 year old girl at home and this is inspirational)

Ann Makosinski

For those of you outside the UK the video is also available via the Huffington Post(may or may not work for other overseas viewers)

Disclaimer: I have never been nor will I ever be a reader of the Daily Mail :slight_smile:

Thanks vas. Obviously, didn’t realise this had come up before. Mea Culpa

I agree! It is so cool to see. It is still a field which is quite male-dominated. I thought this was quite interesting:

That quote really made my day! :smiley:

Thanks for this reference Chloe. We have a 14 year old girl and a 16 year old boy and no matter what we do at home the science/art divide exists. Our boy excels at maths/science whereas our daughter excels at english/arts. How much of this is genetic and/or environmental I have no idea.I suspect,the teachers, who are themselves conditioned have a lot to do with this. We just try our best for both of them

Your daughter might find this site of interest

Thanks vas. Will check this out