Feeling MUCH better today

So last night I put my first P60 drop-in together completely from parts.

FastTech cheapest drop-in host
Illum Supply (?) XPG2 on 16mm alum PCB
East-092 N06 driver

But no light. :frowning: A miserable failure. First mistake, not testing the components before putting them together. Next mistake, using an iron with a thick, blunt tip. It seemed like I had overheated the driver and burnt it out. My soldering efforts this way are also hideous.

Well, today I took it almost completely apart and did it the right way.

- Make new 10 gauge leads for the cheap meter, check.

- Clean up WAY too much arctic silver

- LED works, check.

- Crappy driver works, check (pulled 1.5A at the LED side with whatever crappy cell was available)

- Insulate exposed positive wire where folded into the pill, check

  • Solder driver contact to pill (do I ever hate that part)

Test pill - SUCCESS, it works. Put drop-in into host. NO LIGHT! arghhhh!!!

Take head off light and see that battery is limited from making contact with the solder blob at the positive section of driver. Find another host. Disassemble, Reassemble. NO LIGHT! Shake light, battery rattles. Crap, crap, crap! Find button top cell. Same Stuff!

OK, looks like I will have to convert the solder blob to a base for positive spring. Crappy iron and 4 tries later I have the spring stuck on, cooled and back into the SF L2.


Now, if only I would have checked out the battery limit problem in the SR5 last night … The drop-in didn’t rattle because I used the outer spring. The battery didn’t rattle because it’s shoulders rode on a ring inside the body. So now I don’t know if that was the problem or if I fixed a contact problem somewhere on the driver. But who cares, it works!

I don’t know if there was a contact problem or the IMR test cell I was using was very low on charge, but the almost full charge Sony IMR is doing 2.88A at the tail.

This drop-in will get a good long run ICR so that it runs a little less draw since it’s not on copper and will have better run time than the IMR offers. Or it may end up going into a mini-mag as I originally had planned.

Congrats, man! It's always a good feeling when a failed mod comes back to life!

Cheese and rice! I thought you were sick or something. Thanks for the scare!

Thanks, guys.

LOL, had cheese with rice last night! At first the rice only had BBQ sauce but seemed boring and I was cleaning out the fridge so I added a layer of hash browns with sausage with cheese and ketchup on top.

Oh, I am sick - but not from the food. I’m a flashaholic! - This was just a little infusion moment.

Hope somebody learns something, anyway. Test first (AND don’t do mods with inadequate light).

If there was any doubt, your last post verifies that you are a male. That sounds so much like something I would eat if my wife wasn't around to stop me.

Glad to hear you got the light working. Modding can be quite frustrating at times.