Nanjg AK-47A mode groups disabled?

In my Convoy S5 from the experience campaign, I tried a couple of stars on the PCB today to change the default and neither work. :frowning: I can’t get the PCB out of the brass pill either.

Is there a way to disable mode groups? Star 1 is always connected to ground. Is it meant to be?

Yes, it is.
Does your S5 blink after ~3 seconds on Low?

Thanks, AlexTG. It does blink once.

Then you have a different firmware which allows changing groups without soldering: Țap the button right after that blink.

Chloe, just turn it off right after (within 0.5s) that blink, then turn on again
This will switch the group (this driver has two groups actually - “lo/med/hi” and “lo/med/hi/strobe/sos”)

Yay, thanks guys! :bigsmile: That did it. No more strobes!