Should I be suspicious of this?

Should I be suspicious of this labeling?

I had this in my toy box for about 2 months and was looking closer at it today.
This really is an XM-L, not an XM-L2 (3 bond wires and visible grid).

Nowhere could I find references to a XM-L U3 either available or in the specs.

XM-L U3 exist despite that in was not in the Cree spreadsheet. These days XM-L2 U3 have just become easily available for everyone (from IOS). So yes, you could have an XM-L U3 emitter.

When that is said. I will always be suspicious of LCK-LED labeling. They have screwed up the labeling on my emitters in the past (labeling being wrong, as in combination of XM-L and XP-G specifications that would not be possible for a single emitter. Labeling on the emitters that did not match my order). Looking away from the labeling, how trustworthy lck-led is would be another factor. (Personally I would not rate them highly based on some cases not related to emitters.)

Thanks. That makes me feel a little better… I think :expressionless: