Odepro M37

I have seen this flashlight (http://www.banggood.com/Odepro-M37-CREE-XP-E-Q5-Head-Rotary-Mini-EDC-LED-Flashlight-AAA-p-948893.html) and looks pretty good. Does anyone have it and can give me his opinion?
Thanks in advance

I already send one to konasteve for review, so we can wait for it.

May i ask who konasteve is?

konasteve is probably a blf member, if you can wait a little bit, you probably see a review pop up in 1xAAA reviews

BTW, welcome.

nice, will take a 10440?

Link to Ali shows AAA or 10440;

Very good price in this OP.

why does the title say ‘head rotary’? Description says tailcap switch. Maybe both like the Thrunite? Nah.

I think it’s just a “twisty”, I don’t see a tail cap switch.


Has he recieved it yet?

I just received one Brinyte branded from Cigabuy.com.
Good build quality. XR-E led. 5 modes with memory. The bezel seem to be glued. Will write a review later

I have one as well. Nice enough light and bright. However, mine starts to flicker after about a min on high. Guessing it’s a heat issue. Doesn’t do this with a Alkaline, but does with a fully charged Eneloop.

Pregulla, can you check yours and tell us if it has the same problem. Could be I just got a bad one.

Mine did the same thing but after about 10-20s. I think it was a heat issue as well - cooling the head with ice stopped the flickering. The driver was very loose inside and probably not making enough contact for good heat transfer. I’ve killed the driver trying to fix it. I couldn’t open it so I’ve sent it to other member here - Halo.
Here is the review of Brinyte M37 btw

We’ll see what the review has to say. Given your experience this appears to be a light to play with, not to use. Unless I want to carry dry ice with me all that time. The head does get quite warm, so it’s obviously dissipating some heat. I haven’t gotten my head open yet. Maybe somebody with more experience will crack one open and figure it out.

If somebody with the skills/experience wants to take the time to figure it out I’ll send them my light. Worst they can do it kill it, which I likely would anyway.