What should i give away for 2000 posts ?

my 1000-post was a mildly-modded Defiant 18650/AAA TIR-Optic Zooming ring-focusing light.
I am lost on deciding what light i could either build or modify for my upcoming 2000-post Give-way.
modded Flashlight ? modded Lantern ? modded Headlight ? other ?

Tell you what, not many lanterns modded. Might be a unique giveaway.

Looks like you have greater interest in lantern, so modded lantern please.

modded 18350 flashlight

DBSAR; Whatever you decide to giveaway for the

celebration of your #2000 post. Whether you modded

or you build it—-Make it a BRIGHT LIGHT !

For the “other” suggestion. Maybe some type
of Gift Certificate. The $ amount is up to you. :party:

something with one of your glow lights maybe

Just give me the light

Again, as you wish…

Lantern or headlight, count me in :party:

Lets try this again.
Yezl Y3 stock or slightly modded.

Stock, modded?
Heck I’d even be willing to pay half if I win.

If you have one to spare (please don't take one from your Monster in progress), I think a lot of folks don't have a DST and they are no longer available new.

Still the same a modded DQG 26650 Nichia 219b

Answer: BEER. Mischief Managed!

A modded lantern :-)

A shiny lantern mod / build with a glow light.

Well, I leave BLF alone for one night, ONE NIGHT! Come back and everything is changed! :open_mouth:

So, I’ll post again, the same thing. I think it would be cool if you gave away your steam pipe light. I’m only suggesting that because I want a chance at it myself. :bigsmile:

A shiny modded beer dispensing lantern with glow light. :beer:

It’s OK, I can add my own beer when it gets here.

Actually, a drink dispenser probably could be fitted with a glowing light in the center, and filled with beer or anything else. The light could glow through the drink of choice. Those really cool led filaments that they are making Edison-style bulbs with now, can be bought separately and would probably work well for this. A clear polycarbonate drink dispenser could have the light emitting part epoxied into the middle. After drilling holes for wires, installing LEDs and such, the entire center lighting portion could be filled solid with the epoxy so it could never leak or break. Wiring would go down to the base in which the switch, driver, and batteries would reside.

OK, I think we’re onto something…… better add some kind of peltier cooling for the beverage of choice. :beer: :beer: