Olight SR51 MT-G2 - FET drv - 8amps - STAR firmware - 3500 lumens

A photo’s worth a thousand words. :slight_smile:

That looks awesome, great work!

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but seems like there’s too little thermal paste on the original XM-L2 PCB?

You are right, I thought there wasn’t any while I was disassembling it.
Olight mcpcb is high quality though and it is hard enough to solder on it.

Bravo. Not a word said, but volumes communicated. Nice mod.


I to modded a SR51— MTG2/Fet driver from RMM—I,m getting 10-11 amps —Wire braid every spring in the battery carrier and braid across neg (series crossover)end put some good batteries in it—Hold on cause it’s a BEAST
More than likely if you check the tension in your carrier you’ll feel it’s weak

Haven’t braided springs, using 20R cells.

sorry for the question…

if you guys DD (FET-Driver) a 6V MT-G2 with 8,4V from two cells - where do the 2,4V go?
are they burnt in the FET?

That’s why you’re only seeing 5amps—if you take apart the battery carrier at least one of the springs is blueish color—I changed all the springs and braided them—then I blew the trace crossing over on the other end making the batteries in series—put braid across there

Not sure how it works—bought my parts from Mtn/RMM he’s the guy to ask those technical questions

6V is the recommended/rated voltage of an MT-G2, but we almost always push it harder.

With a DD driver, the LED sees the same voltage from the 2x cells, so around 7.0-8.0V with various voltage drops via the cells’ internal resistance and wires. Having thinner gauge wires and springs that aren’t copper braided drop more voltage and thus the current goes down too.

update: After copper braiding springs in battery holder, I saw 2+ amps increase, now 8 amps & 3500 lumens!!!
Thanks chops728 for the tip.

2A is heavy improvement!

You got a Xiaomi piston headphones case over there in the first photo?

:slight_smile: Sharp eyes, I have got the original & they are great!

Got the latest version (also original), the are V-shaped in sound, nice sub-bass and nice highs, but they lack mids (which creates that impression of clear sound). Build quality and packing is just superb actully mine came with a brown theme color and actually smelled like chocolate.

I bought couple of Piston 2 from Xiaomi authorized distributor here, with coupon become +/- USD 14, imo it’s good for the price.
I’m also using this apps.

Very nice mod. The led looks very happy sitting in there.

Great mod! Thanks for posting. I wonder how that OP reflector would focus a XHP50 or 70?

SR51’s reflector has very big opening at the bottom, so it will need a wide led mcpcb. XH-Ps haven’t big mcpcbs yet so I cannot know about the beam profile yet.

Very nice mod my friend!

Bravo sou!