Another odd project. Crelant 7G5CS, FET driver, XHP-70, dedomed, plus collimator head.

so i was wondering what would happen if i put i XHP-70 in the Crelant and also to compare the collimator head to the Z1. collimator definitely throws farther.

all modes with reflector head. not bad at all

collimator head

all modes with collimator

to hold the 17mm FET driver I made a driver holder out of a P60 pill.

replaced the switch with a switch out of a Jax Z1

copper tail cap spring

super low moonlight mode

cool picture. honeycomb wide spot TIR optic on low focused through the collimator.

did some testing last night, seems really promising. range tests tonight and possible beam shots

xhp throws just by sheer lumens. i dont have enough distance to test it. half mile easy on low modes with both heads

Hi buddy, nice project, thanks for experimenting and letting us know the results,
do you think it is worth changing from dedomed XM-L2 to XHP?
Also, don’t get me wrong, but you clearly have problem with your picture taking
device because there isn’t a single properly focused photo here :frowning:

yeah my camera wont do any better. and for the results i got,yes

It’s perfectly focused.
On the Folgers jar :bigsmile:
Nice mods.

i noticed that lol.