Another shipping problem

Dirty packages in the mail?

The world is on the cusp of a “post-antibiotic era”, scientists have warned after finding bacteria resistant to drugs used when all other treatments have failed.

They identified bacteria able to shrug off the drug of last resort - colistin - in patients and livestock in China.

They said that resistance would spread around the world and raised the spectre of untreatable infections.

It is likely resistance emerged after colistin was overused in farm animals.

Bacteria becoming completely resistant to treatment - also known as the antibiotic apocalypse - could plunge medicine back into the dark ages.

Bits typed as I heard them on the radio yesterday, an interview with an investor who has been investing in China for the past 15 years
(a woman, with a Chinese accent, for whatever that’s worth) — I did not catch the name. My emphasis supplied:

She said, about finding sources in China and businesses worth investing in:

“you have to be overly cautious … [investigate] down through the levels …. [investigate him] at the family level, to be sure that this guy is on the level ….

for every entrepreneur, for every eight or nine entrepreneurs, there’s going to be the entrepreneur who takes the shortcut ….

[look at] … how they treat their family.”

“until you get a business license you cannot have a bank account, so you’re basically going on cash ….”

“the China venture capital market is only 15 years old ….”

“to build the network … taking extra precautions around due diligence … China is a tough market …”

“75 percent of all cell phones, … 85 percent of all solar panels …. a lot of the supply chain has to work with China … ”

I studied environmental science and find bio security quite interesting, however we hardly touched on the subject so my knowledge is lacking.

I have attempted conversations with friends and colleagues without much success. A lot of people seem to not care unless tabloid media tells them to, or they tend to cry racism or paranoia as soon as you mention non-western countries as a possible factor, and whilst the conversation with my nerd friends starts off well it nearly always gets sidetracked to zombies.

A reminder from history:

A nation of outlaws
A century ago, that wasn’t China — it was us

We’re the muckrakers, at least for our particular area of interest.


Ya Zombies,

Did you hear that is an actual DOD Zombie apocalypse plan?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention —
Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response

Perhaps more serious now but this is nothing new. Antibiotics have been overused in this country for years. People and farm animals.

When you kill bacteria, a few might be resistant to the antibiotics and live. Offspring are often resistant, and then you’ve got disease resistant bacteria.