What did you mod today?

Still waiting on emitters to come :weary:

So I half polished my optic. I think I’ll leave it like this. My thinking is that the “throw” comes from outer “walls” of the optic, so polishing that part will get me the throw increase. Then leaving the center textured will help blend the spill better. And right now I think I like how it looks.

I like it! and the theory. Must post beam shots.

I’m uploading pics of Sumptin I did.

Nice polish job PD. What are you going to put it in?

I really like these cute 3s with XPL HI or dedomed. Really good combination of output and throw, IMO.

I plan to use some XP-L 3A’s dedomed

One thing I like about the CUTE-3 is that you don’t have to de-dome anything until you get into triple XHP-50’s. :wink:

Messin with S41 #2. Sucker was GLUED hard. I finally prevailed, but 2 light scuffs on the bezel. Got it apart and wanted to upgrade the wires. This one has a White MCPCB. I used 20 AWG and put it back together. Some foul language as I watched the tint go blue after 30sec. Put it on ML and saw 2 dedomed blue emitters. OK, I got parts… HMMM, Carclo quad is 24mm and Manker is 22mm. Bleep, Bleep… Some time later…

Soldered in Tpad Quad with XP-L HI V2 3A

Kept original driver. Bypassed both springs and 20 AWG. Not gonna have any problems again.

My first Green Nichia S41 on the Left, New built S41 XP-L HI V2 3A on the Right. New personal record, 12.9A

I recently put a cute 3 in an ultrafire F13. Nice having the longer runtime for this high power light.

That F13 triple is indeed a nice light. I did one a while back with my baked Raysoon F13, added a massive copper heat sink, works like a charm. :slight_smile:

Did you leave the honeycomb pattern on the surface or polish it, EasyB?

VW pieces, the little quads are addictive aren’t they? lol Love em, even if they’re Li-ion vampires. :smiley:

this S41 gets too hot too fast with the soldered in Tpad. Long before the 30Q starts to complain.

I also sanded the top of the optic completely flat and polished it back up. It’s the Carclo 10622 24mm, well, now its 22mm for the most part. It does not have the holes or dimples on top like the 10621.

I had polished one optic for the solarstorm K2 triple I made. I put that optic in the F13 and put an unpolished one in the K2.

Cleveland area. I’ll shine it in your direction. :smiley:

I put together my atmel programmer with the SOIC clip and make my first flashings. I flashed Biscotti to my and my girlfriends S2+

Sweet! LET THE GAMES BEGIN! :smiley:

I took the proprietary copper mcpcb off the copper heatsink effectively removing the XHP-70 from my Nitecore TM03. Then I put a 26mm MaxToch mcpcb on the sink with an Q0 MT-G2 on it. (Reflowed the emitter onto the mcpcb while also re-flowing the mcpcb to the sink)

The swap went well, but the danged o-ring that fits into a groove in the head and around the reflector under the lens swelled up and just will not go back in like it’s supposed to. I think I lost a few hundred lumens but the spot is nice and color is gorgeous. Much better! :slight_smile:

Good work there Zozz. :+1:

Thank you!

I have finally gained enough courage to build a triple.

Nothing new but it is definitely new to me.

Convoy S2+
Nichia 219c triple noctigon with 10507 carclo optic
Nanjg 105d AMC7135*8 flashed with biscotti firmware
One 20mm noctigon and one 16mm noctigon sanded and soldered on the pill as spacer.
Bypassed spring
Powered with a protected Panasonic NCR18650B

This is probably my first time actually achieved 2.8 amps out of an AMC7135*8 driver board. With a single XML2 I can never pass the 2 amp mark.
Man this thing gets toasty real fast on high. I’m glad it is brighter than what I expected. (definitely brighter than my dd XML2 U4 1C)
Nichia 219c triple tint was fantastic and I don’t really see how different 80+ CRI over my Nichia 219BT with claimed 93+ CRI. Colors looked somewhat meh. At least it looked better than my XML2 4C and 3B tint without getting any purple hue. Just plain rosy red like how Nichia is.

Overall I’m glad with my mods. If only my soldering were better I could’ve made it looked prettier inside.

Now imagine how hot a 10+amps triple can get !

Nicely done! Soldering skills improve with the investment of time and experience. :wink:

You could practice soldering by stacking 4 chips on the inside of that driver… :smiley:

Worthy to note that cold or cooler air temps will render your hand warmers useless. Went out to the lake with a couple of friends from here in the forum and it was 45ºF, windy, a bit of a mist in the air. Our hands got cold and none of the 80+ lights we brought out with us would warm our hands! Beware a hot night though. :wink: