What did you mod today?

B-158 mod part deux. I started working on the fins and spacer rings Doesn’t look like much but that’s about 5 hrs work with another hour on a different part.

I would like to give it a try .

Where can i find it ?

Rbd, again I admire your patience and perseverence when modding (actually: making) new flashlights. I’m following the build! :slight_smile:

In the FW repository.

As it is it only works with single channel drivers. Also I have not used the battery indicator LED; I have that part commented out.

Yep, me to. :+1:

Quick test on Sam 30Q's as-is, calculating lumens, I got 34,200. It's bright. The outdoor test seems to have burnt out the 7135 of the FET+1 driver. The FET is a SIR404DP, but now, turning on the light I get about the one 7135 equivalent in output, but ramping of the FET still works. Running Narsil using 2 green LED's next to the switch as the indicator LED.

16 XHP50 K2 bins, from Cutter. 22 AWG Teflon coated on the Noctigons, 3 to 1 reduction to 18 AWG wires.

Might just go with the SIR404DP FET only now. Guess a single 7135 can't take the heat for some reason...

Wow, super bright. What’s the beam like?

Uhhh, good Q. Mostly only remember the brightness - it was spectacular. Can't check it now, but did have a dark spot in the middle on a white wall. Outdoors it was a super wide beam of light going upward. Too chicken to light up the block though .

Not bad for an UltraFire. I actually beat the claimed lumens of 20,000 .

Ha, nice. For a second I was afraid it was going to be a reflectorless mule. What do you have on there, S2 or so sized reflectors?

Well that’s an understatement :smiley:
Nice :+1:

Very nice, Tom :smiley:

Noce work Tom ! I was waiting for this build since the day you mentioned you ordered the Leds :smiley: .

Probably stock reflector . Using S2 or similar reflectors would be awesome…

wow, extremely impressive Tom, looks like a very neat assembly, and that is 2000 lumen per led which is a big achievement for a relatively compact multi-led light.

Would like to see that beam in person :partying_face:

Tom. That is just plane nuts. What a fantastic effort and execution. Hope the driver problems get solved. :beer:

Thanks all! I'll have to see what I can do for beam pictures. These are E2's, so 5700K or so. I'm gonna try to take lumens and throw measurements this morn.

烽燧 LiteFlux LF2XT

Cree XP-E Q4 Neutral white LED
Change to……
CREE XQ-E Hi R2 Neutral white LED

with XP-L Hi

pretty little LED

AAA (middle)

Nice to see a mod with the XQ-E ! R2 sounds like a good bin. That Liteflux flashlight is from before I was a flashoholic :slight_smile:

They are actually bigger than S2 reflectors at 21.2 mm diameter with the total head width of 99.2 mm. S2's are about 18-19 mm. I used 16 mm Noctigons with only the 5 outer most needing a slight sanding to fit at the edge.

Measured throw from 5 meters: 155 kcd (787 meters)

So it's a thrower, I mean a flooder or throoder? This is why I wanted to go big with a head like this - I knew the throw would do well, but didn't expect to break 100 kcd. Ganging triples/quads is easy, like the Meteor or Vinh's custom 30K+ monster, but it's mostly a flood light then.

Why not just go with a single COB led and get the same lumen output from a single chip + large reflector?
Pretty sure it would be more efficient than multiple XHP50s, so less heat and battery drain.

Pretty impressive monster you got there Tom. Surprising results also for such a shallow reflector. Sheer power does the job. How much did it cost to build this?