Astrolux S41 - presale ended

Have you had a chance to test it yet?

Is the FW Bistro or A6?

Only a guess but IĀ“m pretty sure that the total output will not be much higher than 1600 lumens (400 per LED) in turbo to keep heat limited and battery runtimes reasonableā€¦


I was more thinking about the other modes - Low,Med,High.
Since it probably scale with the numbers of leds, it would be great to adjust them accordingly so we still have a reasonable low and med etc.

Man, it looks SO tiny in the hand!! :smiley:

friday :frowning:


my sample came in today (Nichia Version). Very small but beautiful light. Really sweet! The light uses the BLF A6 driver incl. the stepdown in my case after 37 seconds.

Ceiling bounce with a Zebralight SC52W L2 (500Lumens on H1) and the S41 with AW 18350:
SC52w L2: Startup 88 Lux, 30s 84 Lux
S41: Startup 320 Lux, 30s 222 Lux

=> 1320 Lumens



Pics :+1:

nice pictures!

THAT is really small :wink:

The Nichia 219B and Cree XP-G2 will be the limiting factor to control total output at that ~1600 lumens quote. Going with 219C or XP-L HI will change the game in a big way. :wink:

Nice pics, youā€™re enjoying it Iā€™m sure! :slight_smile:

Might be a silly question: Is the copper coated in any way, or will it tarnish with use?

Nice pics @Kenji

Thanks Kenjii for those first expressions!!

Looking good! will wait for the host version.

So, no Bistro?

Thanks Kenji for sharing!

Not yet :wink:

just gorgeousā€¦.so much win :smiley:

12mm centers of leds diameter (14.14mm in carclo quad)
17.35mm between centers of pins (17.0 in carclo quad)
Optics is available, but it is useless without its own pcb.

Two more.

Very broad spot and beam.

It would be better if you can compare beam with light that has small 22-24mm reflector.

Oh wellā€¦ My Nichia edition is ordered and iā€™ve no idea when this little devilish beauty will be in my handā€¦
And i have to endure all these picturesā€¦
Why am i doing this to myself?
Canā€™t help it i suppose?

Thanks for the pictures Kenjii :wink:

Love TIR for EDC.