GearBest's first Flashlight, the Zanflare F1 Giveaway ( winners picked ) + buy one light, gift free Vacuum

All these people writing “guess, guess, guess” - did you actually read the original post? :person_facepalming:

Yeah, it says:

4. Oct 21th – Oct 28th, topic: Guess, Guess and Guess, if winners are from this topic, and the winners’ answers are right, then winners will get extra $10 GearBest Points

What the heck do you think that means, oh wise one?

Keep reading “These two pictures are from 2 parts of our brand new ZanflareF1 LED Flashlight,
Can you guess which parts?”
Though those unconnected dates could throw off a few people! :wink:

Yeah, it's not November 21th – Nov 24th yet.

Giveaway closed

Thanks for all of your participating

congratulations to the the following winners

173 cmflippen, 231 ClintH, 276 selis, 279 Vaping, 371 argolite

winners please PM before Nov 5th with your GearBest account and your choice for the prize

Congrats cmflippen, ClintH, selis, Vaping, & argolite!

Congratulations to all the winners!
Thanks, GearBest.

Another good news for Zanflare F1

Good Luck, wish you could get the amazing free prize for the next activity of Zanflare F1

Congratulations to all winners !

Hooray! Thanks Gearbest for the giveaway, and thanks for all the congratulations. And also, congrats to the other winners! Is it bad that one of my first thoughts was wanting to throw in a warm XPL-HI, lol? Looks like it could have some decent throw.

Congratulations to all!! :partying_face:

Many thanks to the gearbest for the chance to win this flashlight and to all the members for the kind words. :smiley:

Congratulations to all winners !

Congratulations to all winners!

Congrats people and thanks gearbest :+1:


Congratulations to winners!

Congratulations to all the winners!

I received my brand new Flashlight, the Zanflare F1.

Thanks once more gearbest!