A different type of lanyard (maybe)

I’m going to try to post a picture, but I remember it taking some sort of wizardry that I haven’t yet mastered so I might not be successful. But words will describe it.

For years I’ve used a “ring” lanyard on my digital cameras. It requires a simple split keyring sized a bit larger than the finger one wants to put it on. It goes through the appropriate place on the camera. Whether it will work on your camera isn’t the point here, only the idea is of value for this post.

A while ago I got a GranVela UltraTac K18 for my keyring (nice little light BTW). OK, it was actually to go onto the carabiner that organizes all of my various keyrings. I knew that I didn’t want to use a cord lanyard; I thought that it would be out of place and actually a PITA on the carabiner so it was a non-starter. So I acquired an assortment of stainless steel split rings that are used on fishing lures. I used the split ring that came with the light, and used half a dozen or so of the SS split rings to make a chain. Back to the finger sized keyring… it completed my finger lanyard. For carrying and storage the keyring is on the carabiner. To use the K18 the keyring goes onto the finger of choice.

The light can still be lost from the finger but one would be a real clutz to have that happen.

These are similar to the rings I bought. I have no finnancial or any other connection to this product. https://www.amazon.com/Shaddock-Fishing-Strength-Stainless-Set-20lb/dp/B01BGHN9BW/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1485272231&sr=8-3&keywords=stainless+steel+split+rings+fishing

As I thought, I still can’t figure out how to post a picture on this forum. I did it once but the trick escapes me. The address to it is below if someone with the skills can fix it.

Photo Storage][IMG]http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a57/BBQinMaineiac/Shaving~~%202_5_13/DSC04402_zpszllxfw4n.jpg

Sorry. Your photo link is broken

Thanks Keltex.

I’ve tried to use the picture insertion tool under the Comment line, but that doesn’t work for me. On any other forum the software accepts the address of the picture and it displays the picture, but this software doesn’t. Clearly I’m doing something wrong.

Put the link of the image between exclamation marks, and break the paragraph right before it.

Clever (and well clever is what you show us all the time so not entirely unexpected :wink: )
Looks great.

Jack, I think I did as you suggested but the trick still eludes me. I wonder if it’s Kaspersky getting involved and not allowing it. The last time I was successful I did the exclamation mark code and it worked. But I don’t remember when I upgraded my Kaspersky to the stronger mojo.

Thanks for the kind words The Miller. :slight_smile: It’s not an idea that I’d use for an L6; smaller lights only.

I’ve done a bit of research to figure out my proper split ring size for my fingers. I find that a Stainless Steel split ring of 30mm ID is about the best size for my bare fingers. It works for both my ring finger and middle finger.