KDLITKER E6 P60-Host (3xLuminus SST-20)

Hi folks, I did a review of the KDLITKER E6 with a triple Luminus SST-20 drop-in. It is a great light and a great choice of drop-in for outdoor use (lots of beamshots comparing it with floody lights like Astrolux S41, Skilhunt H03). But I can detect no advantage at all between the use of 1x 18650 or 2x 18650 cells in terms of runtime or brightness! Why that is I can not understand.

Great review! I am a big fan of warm lights and I didn’t know DK had any P60 drop-ins with strobe hidden. I’m ordering a few of these drop-ins right now. And I’m ordering a couple of the drivers to update some of my older drop-ins.

Great reviews. Makes me want to buy that SST-20 3000k drop-in, the tint is so nicely warm though not super rosy.
Do you plan to mod its driver? Can the stock driver current increases a bit in order to hit 1500lm?

They sell a P60 drop which allows you to choose three different LEDS, warm white, cold white, green, blue, royal blue and red. Still wonder though why the 2nd cell does not extend runtime.

The 3xSST-20 3000k makes my Astrolux S41 obsolete which is rated at 1600 lumens. Outdoor and with bad weather the 3xSST-20-setup is much better in terms of useful light. I wonder about heat dissipation if you push the dop-in harder.

What’s the your estimated lumens for this drop-in? KD seems to spec it at 1000lumens.
In old days many used aluminium foil to enhance contact between drop-in and host for better heat dissipation.

The string is such a good technique. Thanks for sharing.

Your welcome :wink:

I have this and the 2nd cell option is the reason why I bought it. I thought it would make runtimes longer.

I guess they are using a linear driver if a second cell doesn’t improve either output or runtime. Seems a weird choice for a light with an extention tube. Maybe they lack a buck driver powerful enough to reach 1100 lumens with a single cell.

Cool review mate! I love the look of these hosts.

Do you know what driver is in the light?

The product page claims that the drop-in uses the P2500 driver.

Yep, a step down / buck driver.
So 2 batteries will definitely last longer than 1.

Is that a fact? Sorry I don’t know these things. I bought because I thought that two batteries would last longer.

I did some more testing and can confirm that there is no visible advantage of two cells over one cell with this drop-in. Wherever the energy of the second cell goes it is not light. Following video also contains a side-by-side segment which shows that the single cell setup is even superior in terms of runtime. The dual cell setup might hold a higer brightness for a little while longer or in more constant fashion but there is no substantial advantage over the single cell setup: