VINH'S CREATIONS. Watt makes them so special?..........

I have a small 2019 New year Kick Off Sale going on at CPF soon. If you see something you like you may email me if you don’t have an account to post there. Thanks!!!!!!


That is money not the flashlight world!!A light that is 100 lumens is 20% BRIGHTER than one that is 80 lumens !! lol! I still think I am right! lol! Maybe we need Einstein on here!


A light that is 100 lumens is NOT 20% BRIGHTER than one that is 80 lumens.

Because of the inverse square law .. It takes a 4 times the amount of lumens increase to see a doubling of light .

The inverse square law applies to intensity, not flux.
Luminous flux is literally “light output”

That’s what the [Report] button is for. :smiling_imp:

So if one light has more luminous flux (i.e. lumens) than another, do we call it fluxier? If brighter doesn't work, what does, or do we not even use the phrase and just quote numbers and be done with it?

Edit: Ok, found a good definition here under "new definition":

So according to wikipedia (always correct ??), brightness has the meaning of lumens, as defined by the FTC and manufacturers.

Custom Mule PL47vn Mule with D4 Driver

Interesting, guess you did it!

E07vn with W1 gets 4700L, 70Kcd, 529m (Turn On)
Beam super impressive

W2 numbers coming soon :slight_smile:

E07vn with W1

These are wonderful with VNX2 and W2. I guess Narsil or audril would be amazing also.

I Love this Amutorch VG10. Especially with SST40 and Reverse clicky. Beam is flawless! Heavy duty host and high quality all around. Crazy compact for a 21700 protected OK clicky!

Guess you did it with breaking the glass on the PL47 and E07? I've been waiting for an E07 from Neal - he said he'd send me one, but guess he forgot because no word since.

What's the W1 and W2? Boy, the E07 throw results is wayy better than what was being hinted at in beam shots. Are you using the stock optics?

from a post of vinh over at cpf

White1 = W1 = OSRAM KW CSLNM1.TG – 1mm2 = 960L @ 5A/3.4Vf

White2 = W2 = OSRAM KW CSLPM1.TG – 2mm2 = 1550L @ 8.5A/3.3Vf

Ohhhh, makes a whole lot more sense now - rather important details. Didn't realize the 2mm white could gain anything at that amp level of 8.5A. Thought I read it could take more amps though.

Interesting how the 21700 version body is so radically different from the 18650 version body.

W1 = 1m^2 =
W2 = 2m^2

These have 3030 foot prints while the XPG boards are 3535. This mean we have to center the LEDs one by one yet all at the same time during solder flow. Not tough but not easy either.

There are some 16 & 20mm 3030 MCPCBs available too.

100 / 80 = 1.25, or 125% as much light. This is typically phrased as “25% brighter”.

However, on a visually-linear scale such as the common cube root model of visual perception, a 100 lm light should only look about 7.7% brighter than a light at 80 lm. This is because cuberoot(100) / cuberoot(80) = 1.077, or 107.7%.

In practice, there isn’t much visual difference at all between 80 lm and 100 lm. To make a clear jump up in brightness, it’s generally a good idea to increase the power enough to equal one or more “visual units”… and to keep the same amount of visual units between each step.

For example, let’s say the lowest mode is 0.5 visual units, and each step goes up by one from there. The resulting output levels would be:

  • 0.53 = 0.125 lm
  • 1.53 = 3.375 lm
  • 2.53 = 15.62 lm
  • 3.53 = 42.86 lm
  • 4.53 = 91.13 lm
  • 5.53 = 166.4 lm
  • 6.53 = 274.6 lm
  • 7.53 = 421.9 lm
  • 8.53 = 614.1 lm
  • 9.53 = 857.4 lm

These should all look about the same distance apart from each other in terms of visual brightness. I think they’re still a bit too close together though… I generally go for about 2 visual units per step, which works out to about 5 or 6 levels on a light with this range.

I know I am way late to this thread but it was just pointed out to me.

Having walked a bit in Vinh’s “shoes” the last year offering a few mods of my own, I can say that his work and prices make a whole lot more sense to me then they used to.

It is easy to take the labor and work involved in modding lights for granted when it is a hobby, in your spare time, for your own lights.

It is completely different when it is a job. Having spent a few months with every waking moment working on something flashlight related, I got burnt out, which has caused me to be MIA around here recently.

I don’t know how Vinh keeps going. He is good people.

Back to your regularly scheduled thread……

If you/or someone is a technical perfectionist at the professional level (professional = selling = beyond the monetary pressures themselves of also simultaneously exposing oneself to peer technical review pressures) then it’s little wonder that burn out is an easy to reach achievement. The heat is always on when you’re an in for the long haul pro. It never goes away.

To wit, ultimately if you’re not a technical perfectionist who is also constantly trying to improve their products and their quality your lifespan of being a successful pro at pretty much everything will be short.

When you do things primarily as a hobby the pressures to perform are essentially non-existent except the potential wounds to one’s ego when peer review of your work exposes faults. You can get burned out in a hobby too. Butt burn out while being a pro is obviously another thing all together.

It takes a special type of person to go pro. For the long haul even fewer still are truly cut out for it. :open_mouth:

PS. “Commitment is a b*tch from hell no matter how much you love it.” Notta