LT1 programming problem

I was trying to reprogram a LT1 prior to giving it to my son as a gift. I thought I followed the same steps as previously, but something has happened.

I was first able to connect with the Attiny85 using the command, oh just look below and see what happened if you don’t mind.

Nothing happens when I apply power to the board. I can (and have) tried reprogramming several times, with the same results (insanity I think?) At least it still communicates.


At the end you get a verification error. The verification needs to pass 100%, in your case it fails on the first byte so flashing did not succeed. Try re-fitting the clip and go again.

after a million or so tries it worked, thank you

Sometimes that’s what it takes. Glad you got it working.

yeah, thanks for the feedback. I’m glad it was something rather simple, albeit tedious.